February 10, 2020
February 10, 2020- 140-3D Hydrogels and Bioinks for Realistic In Vitro Modelling and Bioprinting
- A medicinal and edible formula YH0618 ameliorates the toxicity induced by Doxorubicin via regulating the expression of Bax/Bcl-2 and FOXO4
- Advances in Senotherapies
- Ageing: Targeting senescence-associated tissue damage
- Ageing: Tools to eliminate senescent cells
- Aging and Senotherapeutics
- Autophagy Dysfunction, Cellular Senescence, and Abnormal Immune-Inflammatory Responses in AMD: From Mechanisms to Therapeutic Potential
- Can we rejuvenate? Implications of biological aging research
- Cell Senescence
- Cellular senescence and the kidney: potential therapeutic targets and tools
- Cellular senescence as a mechanism and target in chronic lung diseases
- Cellular senescence as a therapeutic target to improve renal transplantation outcome
- Cellular senescence in the aging and diseased kidney
- Cellular Senescence in the Kidney
- Cellular senescence: aging, cancer, and injury
- Cellular senescence: defining a path forward
- DNA Damage Induced Cell Fates during Aging
- Drugs that target aging: how do we discover them?
- Effects of bovine lactoferrin, GOS and vitamin D on innate immune function in elderly women
- Engineering Ca2+-activated control of Ras family GTPases
- Epithelial innate immunity mediates tubular cell senescence after kidney injury
- FOXOs maintaining the equilibrium for better or for worse
- Hallmarks of cellular senescence
- Hsp90 inhibitors as senolytic drugs to extend healthy aging
- In Retrospect: Half a century of robust climate models
- Inducers of senescence, toxic compounds, and Senolytics: the multiple faces of Nrf2-activating phytochemicals in Cancer adjuvant therapy
- Inflammation and premature aging in advanced chronic kidney disease
- Innate Immune Signaling Contributes to Tubular Cell Senescence in the Glis2 Knockout Mouse Model of Nephronophthisis
- Long-term in vitro expansion of epithelial stem cells enabled by pharmacological inhibition of PAK1-ROCK-Myosin II and TGF-β signaling
- Maintenance and repair of an aging life cycle
- Molecular regulative mechanisms of aging and interventional effects of Chinese herbal medicine
- Musculoskeletal senescence: a moving target ready to be eliminated
- Optimization strategies for ACI: A step-chronicle review
- Oxidation resistance 1 is a novel senolytic target
- Protecting the Aging Genome
- Pulmonary Diseases and Ageing
- Radiation-induced cellular senescence in salivary glands
- Regulation of cellular senescence via the FOXO4‐p53 axis
- Rejuvenation by therapeutic elimination of senescent cells
- Rejuvenation of brain, liver and muscle by simultaneous pharmacological modulation of two signaling determinants, that change in opposite directions with …
- Role Of COX2 In Cellular Senescence
- Senescent Cells
- Senescent cells: a new Achilles’ heel to exploit for cancer medicine?
- Senescent cells: A new Achilles’ heel to exploit for cancer medicine?
- Seno-suppressive molecules as new therapeutic perspectives in rheumatic diseases
- Senolytics and senostatics as adjuvant tumour therapy
- Senolytics and Senostatics: A Two-Pronged Approach to Target Cellular Senescence for Delaying Aging and Age-Related Diseases
- Senotherapeutics: Emerging strategy for healthy aging and age-related disease
- T cell senescence and CAR-T cell exhaustion in hematological malignancies
- Targeted apoptosis of senescent cells restores tissue homeostasis in response to chemotoxicity and aging
- Targeting normal and cancer senescent cells as a strategy of senotherapy
- Targeting senescent cells in translational medicine
- The dual role of cellular senescence in developing tumors and their response to cancer therapy
- The emerging role of cellular senescence in renal diseases
- The link between endometrial stromal cell senescence and decidualization in female fertility: the art of balance
- The power behind the throne: senescence and the hallmarks of cancer
- Thesis: senescence as cancer treatment
- Towards a unified mechanistic theory of aging
- Turning back time with emerging rejuvenation strategies
- What Are Senescent Cells?