The biology of Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins The Mitochondrial Uncoupling-protein homologues Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins—what is their physiological role? Superoxide activates Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins The Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins Transport function and regulation of Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins 2 and 3 Ageing, oxidative stress, and Mitochondrial Uncoupling Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins in the CNS: in support of function and survival Mice lacking Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein are cold-sensitive but not obese Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins and energy metabolism The on-off switches of the Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins Mitochondrial Uncoupling: a key controller of biological processes in physiology and diseases Mitochondrial Uncoupling and lifespan Possible physiological roles of Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins—UCPn Uncoupled and surviving: individual mice with high metabolism have greater Mitochondrial Uncoupling and live longer Mitochondrial Uncoupling as a target for drug development for the treatment of obesity Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein 2 structure determined by NMR molecular fragment searching Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins: from mitochondria to the regulation of energy balance Mitochondrial Uncoupling: a key contributor to reduced cardiac efficiency in diabetes The ketogenic diet increases Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein levels and activity Use the protonmotive force: Mitochondrial Uncoupling and reactive oxygen species Mitochondrial Uncoupling and longevity–A role for mitokines? The regulation and turnover of Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein is required for efficient photosynthesis Mitochondrial Uncoupling ROS generation and cardioprotection Activation and function of Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein in plants Fatty acid cycling mechanism and Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins Physiological functions of the Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins UCP2 and UCP3 Superoxide activates Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein 2 from the matrix side: studies using targeted antioxidants Mitochondrial Uncoupling as a therapeutic target following neuronal injury On the mechanism of fatty acid-induced proton transport by Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein Mild Mitochondrial Uncoupling impacts cellular aging in human muscles in vivo The mechanism of proton transport mediated by Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins Mild Mitochondrial Uncoupling as a therapeutic strategy Mild Mitochondrial Uncoupling in mice affects energy metabolism, redox balance and longevity The Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein-2 promotes chemoresistance in cancer cells Expression of the Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein gene from the aP2 gene promoter prevents genetic obesity. The warburg effect in leukemia-stroma cocultures is mediated by Mitochondrial Uncoupling associated with Uncoupling protein 2 activation Mitochondrial energetics in the heart in obesity-related diabetes: direct evidence for increased uncoupled respiration and activation of Uncoupling proteins Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins in the central nervous system Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins–facts and fantasies Increased Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins, respiratory Uncoupling and decreased efficiency in the chronically infarcted rat heart Mitochondrial Uncoupling and the Warburg effect: molecular basis for the reprogramming of cancer cell metabolism The Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein-2: current status Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins in energy expenditure BMCP1: a Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein in neurons which regulates Mitochondrial function and oxidant production Effects of acute and chronic endurance exercise on Mitochondrial Uncoupling in human skeletal muscle Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) in glucose and lipid metabolism New aspects of Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) and their roles in tumorigenesis Mitochondrial Uncoupling and the regulation of glucose homeostasis Mammalian Mitochondrial Uncoupling proteins Mitochondrial Uncoupling protein 2 in the central nervous system:
anti-aging effect of astragalosides and its mechanism of action. aging: The Reality: “anti-aging” Is an Oxymoron The war on “anti-aging medicine” Role of antioxidants in the skin: anti-aging effects Growing older without aging? Positive aging, anti-ageism, and anti-aging anti-aging medicine: A patient/practitioner movement to redefine aging Molecular inflammation hypothesis of aging based on the anti-aging mechanism of calorie restriction anti-aging herbal medicine—how and why can they be used in aging-associated neurodegenerative diseases? anti-aging therapy through fitness enhancement Medicalizing the optimal: anti-aging medicine and the quandary of intervention An anti-aging drug today: from senescence-promoting genes to anti-aging pill Resveratrol as an anti‐inflammatory and anti-aging agent: Mechanisms and clinical implications Use of anti-aging herbal medicine, Lycium barbarum, against aging-associated diseases. What do we know so far? anti-aging and aging factors in life. The role of free radicals The foreseeability of real anti-aging medicine: focusing the debate PGC-1α in aging and anti-aging interventions Facing age: Women growing older in anti-aging culture Validation of anti-aging drugs by treating age-related diseases anti-aging effects of L-arginine Regulation of oxidative stress by the anti-aging hormone klotho Melatonin: a chronobiotic with anti-aging properties? The role of autophagy in aging: Its essential part in the anti-aging mechanism of caloric restriction aging, anti-aging, and hormesis anti-aging medicine: the history: anti-aging medicine and research: a realm of conflict and profound societal implications Bodacious berry, potency wood and the aging monster: Gender and age relations in anti-aging ads Melatonin: a principal neuroimmunoregulatory and anti-stress hormone: its anti-aging effects anti-aging activity of the Ink4/Arf locus Original Contribution: Top 10 botanical ingredients in 2010 anti-aging creams Biogerontology,“anti-aging medicine,” and the challenges of human enhancement Improvement of physical fitness as anti-aging intervention An engineer's approach to the development of real anti-aging medicine. The involvement of macroautophagy in aging and anti-aging interventions Anti‐amnestic and anti-aging effects of ginsenoside Rg1 and Rb1 and its mechanism of action anti-aging properties of resveratrol: review and report of a potent new antioxidant skin care formulation The effects of Areca catechu L extract on anti-aging Resveratrol and rapamycin: are they anti-aging drugs? anti-aging effects of anti-lipolytic drugs Calorie restriction lowers body temperature in rhesus monkeys, consistent with a postulated anti-aging mechanism in rodents anti-aging science: The emergence, maintenance, and enhancement of a discipline Carnosine, the protective, anti-aging peptide Characterization of the effects of anti-aging medicine Fructus lycii on β-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity Recent advances in studies on traditional Chinese anti-aging materia medica. The anti-aging, metabolism potential of SIRT1. anti-aging medicine: Can consumers be better protected? In vitro anti-aging activities of Terminalia chebula gall extract Neuroprotective effects of anti-aging oriental medicine Lycium barbarum against β-amyloid peptide neurotoxicity Systems biology and longevity: an emerging approach to identify innovative anti-aging targets and strategies anti-aging medicine and science: Social implications Orthomolecular medicine: the therapeutic use of dietary supplements for anti-aging Rhodiola: A Promising anti-aging Chinese Herb Introduction: anti-aging: Are You For It or Against It? Empowering the old: Critical gerontology and anti-aging in a global context anti-aging medicine Studies on the anti-aging action of Korean ginseng
Evaluation of Anti-wrinkle effects of a novel cosmetic containing niacinamide Anti-wrinkle and anti-Inflammatory effects of active garlic components and the inhibition of MMPs via NF-κB signaling Efficacy of cream-based novel formulations of hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in Anti-wrinkle treatment. The Anti-wrinkle Efficacy of Argireline, a Synthetic Hexapeptide, in Chinese Subjects Clinical efficacy comparison of Anti-wrinkle cosmetics containing herbal flavonoids Efficacy of Anti-wrinkle products in Skin surface appearance: a comparative study using non‐invasive methods The evaluation of Anti-wrinkle effects in oriental herb extract Anti-wrinkle effects of water extracts of teas in hairless mouse Anti-wrinkle Activity of Ziyuglycoside I Isolated from a Sanguisorba officinalis Root Extract and Its Application as a Cosmeceutical Ingredient The Anti-wrinkle efficacy of Argireline Antioxidant, Anti-Melanogenic and Anti-wrinkle Effects of Phellinus vaninii Anti-wrinkle effect of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) seed extract (II) Anti-wrinkle and anti-whitening effects of jucá (Libidibia ferrea Mart.) extracts Nelumbo nucifera extracts as whitening and Anti-wrinkle cosmetic Agent Enhanced Skin permeation of Anti-wrinkle peptides via molecular modification Potential for tyndalized Lactobacillus acidophilus as an effective component in moisturizing Skin and Anti-wrinkle products Anti-wrinkle effect of fermented black ginseng on human fibroblasts Geometrical optimisation of a personalised microneedle eye patch for transdermal delivery of Anti-wrinkle small peptide Optimization of nutraceutical coenzyme Q10 nanoemulsion with improved Skin permeability and Anti-wrinkle efficiency Anti-wrinkle effect of magnesium lithospermate B from Salvia miltiorrhiza BUNGE: inhibition of MMPs via NF-kB signaling The clinical efficacy of cosmeceutical application of liquid crystalline nanostructured dispersions of alpha lipoic acid as Anti-wrinkle Clinical evaluation of fullerene-C60 dissolved in squalane for Anti-wrinkle cosmetics A retinyl palmitate-loaded solid lipid nanoparticle system: effect of surface modification with dicetyl phosphate on Skin permeation in vitro and Anti-wrinkle effect in vivo Whitening and Anti-wrinkle activities of ferulic acid isolated from Tetragonia tetragonioides in B16F10 melanoma and CCD-986sk fibroblast cells Anti-wrinkle effects of Korean rice wine cake on human fibroblast Supercritical extraction of oriental herb: Anti-Aging and Anti-wrinkle effects Evaluation of the Anti-wrinkle effect of an ascorbic acid‐loaded dissolving microneedle patch via a double‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical study Anti-wrinkle activity of Platycarya strobilacea extract and its application as a cosmeceutical ingredient Unravelling property of polysaccharides from Sargassum sp. as an Anti-wrinkle and Skin whitening property Age -related changes in the mechanical properties of human fibroblasts and its prospective reversal after Anti-wrinkle tripeptide treatment In vitro antioxidant, Collagenase inhibition, and in vivo Anti-wrinkle effects of combined formulation containing Punica granatum, Ginkgo biloba, Ficus carica … Anti-wrinkle therapy: significant new findings in the non‐invasive cosmetic treatment of Skin wrinkles with beta‐glucan Evaluation of Anti-wrinkle efficacy of adenosine‐containing products using the FOITS technique An Anti-wrinkle diet: nutritional strategies to combat oxidation, Inflammation and glycation Anti-wrinkle effect of chestnut leaf An eco-friendly way to whiten yellowish Anti-wrinkle cotton fabrics using TBCC-activated peroxide low-temperature post-bleaching The Anti-wrinkle mechanism of melatonin in UVB treated HaCaT keratinocytes and hairless mice via inhibition of ROS and sonic hedgehog mediated Inflammatory … Anti-wrinkle activity of low molecular weight peptides derived from the Collagen isolated from Asterias amurensis Mechanisms of
skin aging skin aging skin aging Fifty years of skin aging Molecular mechanisms of skin aging: state of the art Retinoids in the treatment of skin aging: an overview of clinical efficacy and safety Prevention and treatment of skin aging. Understanding premature skin aging Physiology of skin aging Clinical aspects and molecular diagnostics of skin aging skin aging and dry skin The cellular and molecular biology of skin aging skin aging and photoaging: an overview skin aging and menopause Mechanisms of photoaging and chronological skin aging Role of antioxidants in the skin: anti-aging effects The environment and skin aging UV-light-induced signal cascades and skin aging Pathophysiology of premature skin aging induced by ultraviolet light Biology of estrogens in skin: implications for skin aging Overview of skin aging and photoaging. Bioactive compounds from natural resources against skin aging Airborne particle exposure and extrinsic skin aging Exogenous factors in skin aging skin aging: postulated mechanisms and consequent changes in structure and function Hormonal effects on skin aging. skin aging and natural photoprotection The role of cellular senescence in skin aging Effect of estrogens on skin aging and the potential role of SERMs Tobacco smoke causes premature skin aging Effects of infrared radiation and heat on human skin aging in vivo Role of UV light in photodamage, skin aging, and skin cancer Relative contribution of intrinsic vs extrinsic factors to skin aging as determined by a validated skin age score Physiological consequences of human skin aging. Structural and functional changes of normal aging skin Adipose‐derived stem cells and their secretory factors as a promising therapy for skin aging aging skin In vivo assessment of human skin aging by multiphoton laser scanning tomography Angiogenesis in skin aging and photoaging Treatment of skin aging with topical estrogens Clinical implications of aging skin skin aging: effect on transepidermal water loss, stratum corneum hydration, skin surface pH, and casual sebum content Textbook of aging skin Epidermal stem cells are retained in vivo throughout skin aging Dietary nutrient intakes and skin-aging appearance among middle-aged American women skin aging Structural characteristics of the aging skin: a review Photoprotective and anti-skin-aging effects of eicosapentaenoic acid in human skin in vivo The role of UVA rays in skin aging Thermal aging: a new concept of skin aging Simulation of skin aging and wrinkles with cosmetics insight The role of telomeres in skin aging/photoaging skin aging and photoaging. skin aging handbook: an integrated approach to biochemistry and product development Does hormonal skin aging exist? A study of the influence of different hormone therapy regimens on the skin of postmenopausal women using non-invasive … Aesthetic and anatomic analysis of the aging skin. Molecular basis of tobacco smoke-induced premature skin aging Molecular mechanisms and in vivo mouse models of skin aging associated with dermal matrix alterations skin aging induced by ultraviolet exposure and tobacco smoking: evidence from epidemiological and molecular studies Does estrogen prevent skin aging?: Results from the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) Ultraviolet radiation and skin aging: roles
brain polyamine levels are altered in Alzheimer's disease polyamine transport, accumulation, and release in brain The polyamine transporter Slc18b1(VPAT) is important for both short and long time memory and for regulation of polyamine content in the brain polyamine catabolism is enhanced after traumatic brain injury polyamine metabolism in different pathological states of the brain Overview of the brain polyamine -stress-response: regulation, development, and modulation by lithium and role in cell survival polyamine metabolism and function in brain polyamine modification increases the permeability of proteins at the blood‐nerve and blood‐brain barriers Dysregulation of multiple metabolic networks related to brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways in Alzheimer disease: A targeted metabolomic and … Modification of biodistribution and brain uptake of copper bis (thiosemicarbazonato) complexes by the incorporation of amine and polyamine functional groups The antistress effect of ginseng total saponin and ginsenoside Rg3 and Rb1 evaluated by brain polyamine level under immobilization stress Pharmacological characterisation and autoradiographic distribution of polyamine -sensitive [3H] ifenprodil binding sites in the rat brain Attenuation of brain Edema, Blood-brain Barrier Breakdown, and injury Volume by Ifenprodil, a polyamine -Site N-Methyl-d-aspartate Receptor Antagonist, after … Contribution of polyamine oxidase to brain injury after trauma polyamine reutilization and turnover in brain brain .17.aspx">Influence of SAMe on the modifications of brain polyamine levels in an animal model of depression polyamine metabolism in brain tumours: diagnostic relevance of quantitative biochemistry Metabolomic studies identify changes in transmethylation and polyamine metabolism in a brain -specific mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex polyamine uptake, binding and release in rat brain Arginase and arginine decarboxylase–where do the putative gate keepers of polyamine synthesis reside in rat brain ? polyamine metabolism in transient focal ischemia of rat brain Effects of MDL 72527, a specific inhibitor of polyamine oxidase, on brain edema, ischemic injury volume, and tissue polyamine levels in rats after temporary middle … Changes in polyamine levels in rat brain after systemic kainic acid administration: relationship to convulsant activity and brain damage Developmental regulation of the brain polyamine -stress-response In Situ Metabolomics of the Honeybee brain : The Metabolism of l-Arginine through the polyamine Pathway in the Proboscis Extension Response (PER) Maternal behavior as a regulator of polyamine biosynthesis in brain and heart of the developing rat pup Ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine synthesis, modifies brain pathology in a mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex Depletion of 9L rat brain tumor cell polyamine content by treatment with D, L-α-difluoromethylornithine inhibits proliferation and the G1 to S transition Effect of polyamine depletion on chromatin structure in U-87 MG human brain tumour cells Regional brain polyamine levels in permanent focal cerebral ischemia … of superoxide dismutase at the blood‐nerve and blood‐brain barriers with retained enzymatic activity after covalent modification with the naturally occurring polyamine … Acute hypoxia increases ornithine decarboxylase activity and polyamine concentrations in fetal rat brain . polyamine synthesis in mammalian tissues. Isolation and characterization of spermidine synthase from bovine brain brain polyamine stress response: recurrence after repetitive stressor and inhibition by lithium Evidence
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and macrophage inflammatory protein-2 are involved in both excitotoxin-induced neurodegeneration and regeneration excitotoxin-induced neuronal degeneration and seizure are mediated by tissue plasminogen activator Inflammatory cytokines IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α impart neuroprotection to an excitotoxin through distinct pathways Mitochondrial depolarization in glutamate-stimulated neurons: an early signal specific to excitotoxin exposure … dissociations of the effects of amygdala and insular cortex lesions on conditioned taste aversion, passive avoidance, and neophobia in the rat using the excitotoxin … L-cysteine, a bicarbonate-sensitive endogenous excitotoxin excitotoxin lesions in primates as a model for Huntington's disease: histopathologic and neurochemical characterization A possible central mechanism in autism spectrum disorders, part 3: the role of excitotoxin food additives and the synergistic effects of other environmental toxins. The excitotoxin quinolinic acid induces tau phosphorylation in human neurons Nerve growth factor (NGF) regulates adult rat cultured dorsal root ganglion neuron responses to the excitotoxin capsaicin Activated human microglia produce the excitotoxin quinolinic acid The excitotoxin hypothesis in relation to cerebral ischemia. Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 and cyclin D1 are required for excitotoxin-induced neuronal cell death in vivo … , a cAMP-Specific Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitor, Reduces Oxidative Stress and Improves Synapse Functions in Human Cortical Neurons Exposed to the excitotoxin … excitotoxin lesions suggest an aspartatergic projection from rat medial prefrontal cortex to ventral tegmental area Glutamate‐mediated injury in focal cerebral ischemia: the excitotoxin hypothesis revised Glucocorticoids worsen excitotoxin-induced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines in hippocampal cultures Changes in Cathepsin D and Beclin-1 mRNA and protein expression by the excitotoxin quinolinic acid in human astrocytes and neurons Reactive microglia and IL1β/IL-1R1-signaling mediate neuroprotection in excitotoxin-damaged mouse retina Nuclear factor-κB contributes to excitotoxin-induced apoptosis in rat striatum Differential sparing of somatostatin‐neuropeptide Y and cholinergic neurons following striatal excitotoxin lesions Extensive neuroprotection by choroid plexus transplants in excitotoxin lesioned monkeys Cellular mechanism of action of resiniferatoxin: a potent sensory neuron excitotoxin Activation of the kynurenine pathway and increased production of the excitotoxin quinolinic acid following traumatic brain injury in humans Enhanced cellular glutathione peroxidase immunoreactivity in activated astrocytes and in microglia during excitotoxin induced neurodegeneration Tissue-type plasminogen activator protects neurons from excitotoxin-induced cell death via activation of the ERK 1/2–CREB–ATF3 signaling pathway Resistance to excitotoxin-induced seizures and neuronal death in mice lacking the preprotachykinin A gene Motor neuron degeneration induced by excitotoxin agonists has features in common with those seen in the SOD-1 transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral … A caspase‐3‐dependent pathway is predominantly activated by the excitotoxin pregnenolone sulfate and requires early and late cytochrome c release and cell … Chronic excitotoxin-induced axon degeneration in a compartmented neuronal culture model Short-and long-term consequences of intracranial injections of the excitotoxin, quinolinic acid, as evidenced by GFA immunohistochemistry of astrocytes Contribution of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons to expression of conditional fear: effects of electrical stimulation, excitotoxin lesions, and quinpirole infusion … Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor attenuates the excitotoxin-induced behavioral and neurochemical deficits in a rodent model of Huntington's disease Induction of β-amyloid-containing polypeptides in hippocampus: evidence for a concomitant loss of
mTor‐dependent stimulation of the association of eIF4G and eIF3 by insulin insulin signalling to mTor mediated by the Akt/PKB substrate PRAS40 The role of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) in insulin signaling Amino acid and insulin signaling via the mTor/p70 S6 kinase pathway: a negative feedback mechanism leading to insulin resistance in skeletal muscle cells The cardioprotection of the insulin-mediated PI3K/Akt/mTor signaling pathway Down‐regulation of placental mTor, insulin/IGF‐I signaling, and nutrient transporters in response to maternal nutrient restriction in the baboon Judicious toggling of mTor activity to combat insulin resistance and cancer: current evidence and perspectives Akt/mTor role in human foetoplacental vascular insulin resistance in diseases of pregnancy Amino acids and insulin control autophagic proteolysis through different signaling pathways in relation to mTor in isolated rat hepatocytes Activation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) by insulin is associated with stimulation of 4EBP1 binding to dimeric mTor complex 1 Stimulation of the insulin/mTor pathway delays cone death in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa insulin activation of Rheb, a mediator of mTor/S6K/4E-BP signaling, is inhibited by TSC1 and 2 MAP kinases and mTor mediate insulin-induced phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 on serine residues 307, 612 and 632 insulin and amino-acid regulation of mTor signaling and kinase activity through the Rheb GTPase Glycerolipid signals alter mTor complex 2 (mTorC2) to diminish insulin signaling Acute mTor inhibition induces insulin resistance and alters substrate utilization in vivo IKKβ suppression of TSC1 function links the mTor pathway with insulin resistance Chronic mTor inhibition by rapamycin induces muscle insulin resistance despite weight loss in rats insulin stimulates mitochondrial fusion and function in cardiomyocytes via the Akt-mTor-NFκB-Opa-1 signaling pathway insulin-and leptin-mediated control of aquaglyceroporins in human adipocytes and hepatocytes is mediated via the PI3K/Akt/mTor signaling cascade Long‐chain omega‐3 fatty acids regulate bovine whole‐body protein metabolism by promoting muscle insulin signalling to the Akt–mTor–S6K1 pathway and insulin … Inappropriate activation of the TSC/Rheb/mTor/S6K cassette induces IRS1/2 depletion, insulin resistance, and cell survival deficiencies Distinct signaling events downstream of mTor cooperate to mediate the effects of amino acids and insulin on initiation factor 4E-binding proteins insulin promotes dendritic spine and synapse formation by the PI3K/Akt/mTor and Rac1 signaling pathways Glucose phosphorylation is required for insulin-dependent mTor signalling in the heart Quantification of the effect of amino acids on an integrated mTor and insulin signaling pathway … 3-kinase/Akt/mTor pathway mediates and PTEN antagonizes tumor necrosis factor inhibition of insulin signaling through insulin receptor substrate-1 Adipocyte-specific deletion of mTor inhibits adipose tissue development and causes insulin resistance in mice Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTor) is involved in the neuronal differentiation of neural progenitors induced by insulin mTorC2 promotes type I insulin-like growth factor receptor and insulin receptor activation through the tyrosine kinase activity of mTor Activation of mTor/p70S6 kinase by ANG II inhibits insulin-stimulated endothelial nitric oxide synthase and vasodilation Protein ingestion induces muscle insulin resistance independent of leucine-mediated mTor activation Leucine deprivation increases hepatic insulin sensitivity via GCN2/mTor/S6K1 and AMPK pathways The PI3K/Akt/mTor signaling pathway mediates insulin-like growth factor 1-induced
insulin & aging Reduced Circulating Insulin Enhances Insulin Sensitivity and Extends Lifespan The causal relationships between insulin levels, insulin resistance, and longevity are not fully elucidated. Genetic downregulation of insulin/insulin-like growth factor 1 (Igf1) signaling components can extend invertebrate and mammalian lifespan, but insulin resistance, a natural form of decreased insulin signaling, is associated with greater risk of age-related disease in mammals. We compared Ins2+/− mice to Ins2+/+littermate controls, on a genetically stable Ins1null background. Proteomic and transcriptomicanalyses of livers from 25-week-old mice suggested potential for healthier aging and altered insulin sensitivity in Ins2+/− mice. Halving Ins2 lowered circulating insulin by 25%–34% in aged female mice, without altering Igf1 or circulating Igf1. Remarkably, decreased insulin led to lower fasting glucose and improved insulin sensitivity in aged mice. Moreover, lowered insulin caused significant lifespan extension, observed across two diverse diets. Our study indicates that elevated insulin contributes to age-dependent insulin resistance and that limiting basal insulin levels can extend lifespan. The endocrine regulation of aging by insulin-like signals aging and insulin secretion Mechanisms of insulin resistance in aging Brain insulin and insulin receptors in aging and sporadic Alzheimer's disease Characterization of the insulin resistance of aging. insulin resistance with aging Glucose intolerance and aging: evidence for tissue insensitivity to insulin insulin resistance of muscle protein metabolism in aging insulin resistance in aging is related to abdominal obesity The insulin paradox: aging, proteotoxicity and neurodegeneration insulin and aging Decreased cognitive function in aging non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients insulin, aging, and the brain: mechanisms and implications insulin regulation of heart function in aging fruit flies Effect of exercise on insulin action, glucose tolerance, and insulin secretion in aging Viral mediated expression of insulin-like growth factor I blocks the aging-related loss of skeletal muscle function Removal of visceral fat prevents insulin resistance and glucose intolerance of aging: an adipokine-mediated process? Cardiac stem cell and myocyte aging, heart failure, and insulin-like growth factor-1 overexpression Physical inactivity and obesity underlie the insulin resistance of aging Alcohol intake and insulin levels: the Normative aging Study Contribution of visceral fat mass to the insulin resistance of aging Caloric restriction reverses hepatic insulin resistance in aging rats by decreasing visceral fat. insulin/IGF-like signalling, the central nervous system and aging Minireview: role of the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor system in mammalian aging Effects of aging on insulin secretion The role of insulin, insulin growth factor, and insulin-degrading enzyme in brain aging and Alzheimer's disease The relationship between insulin-like growth factor-I, adiposity, and aging Lipocalin-2 deficiency attenuates insulin resistance associated with aging and obesity insulin-like growth factors I and II: aging and bone density in women Effect of physical training on the insulin resistance of aging Growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1 and the aging cardiovascular system insulin Resistance and β-Cell Dysfunction in aging: The Importance of Dietary Carbohydrate insulin-like growth factor-I, cognition and brain aging insulin/IGF-1 paradox of aging: regulation via AKT/IKK/NF-κB signaling Effect of aging on insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in liver and muscle of rats Impact of reduced
… . Initial studies were promising (Miserendino et al 1990). Infusion of APV prior to learning blocked fear conditioning, but infusion proior to testing had no effect. NMDA … blockade of NMDA receptors induces epigenetic abnormalities in the adult medial prefrontal cortex: possible involvement in memory impairment in trace fear … … in rats is mediated by neurons in the deep layers of the superior colliculus/deep mesencephalic nucleus of the rostral midbrain through the glutamate non-NMDA … … of an NR2B-selective or an NR2A-preferring NMDA receptor antagonist differentially influence fear conditioning and expression in the fear-potentiated startle test A critical role for VEGF and VEGFR2 in NMDA receptor synaptic function and fear-related behavior A NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801 impairs consolidating extinction of auditory conditioned fear responses in a Pavlovian model A risk variant for alcoholism in the NMDA receptor affects amygdala activity during fear conditioning in humans Acquisition of contextual Pavlovian fear conditioning is blocked by application of an NMDA receptor antagonist D, L-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid to the … Acquisition of fear extinction requires activation of NR2B-containing NMDA receptors in the lateral amygdala Acquisition, extinction, and reinstatement of Pavlovian fear conditioning: the roles of the NMDA receptor and nitric oxide Activity-induced synaptic delivery of the GluN2A-containing NMDA receptor is dependent on endoplasmic reticulum chaperone Bip and involved in fear … Acute injections of the NMDA receptor antagonist memantine rescue performance deficits of the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome on a fear … Alcohol inhibition of the NMDA receptor function, long-term potentiation, and fear learning requires striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase Amygdalar NMDA receptors are critical for new fear learning in previously fear-conditioned rats Amygdalar NMDA receptors are critical for the expression of multiple conditioned fear responses An appetitive experience after fear memory destabilization attenuates fear retention: involvement GluN2B-NMDA receptors in the Basolateral Amygdala Complex An appetitive experience after fear memory destabilization attenuates fear retention: involvement GluN2B-NMDA receptors in the Basolateral Amygdala Complex. An NMDA-receptor antagonist, MK-801 blocks the suppressive vasopressin response to fear-but not to anxiety-related stimuli in the rat. Aquaporin-4 deficiency facilitates fear memory extinction in the hippocampus through excessive activation of extrasynaptic GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors Are fear memories made and maintained by the same NMDA receptor-dependent mechanisms? ASIC1a regulates ventral hippocampal-infralimbic prefrontal plasticity and fear extinction via BDNF-NMDA receptor signaling Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis NMDA receptors and nitric oxide modulate contextual fear conditioning in rats Beyond attention: The role of amygdala NMDA receptors in fear conditioning Blockade of Cav2. 1-mediated NMDA receptor signaling disrupts conditioned fear extinction Blockade of NMDA receptors in the amygdala prevents latent inhibition of fear-conditioning Blocking of acquisition but not expression of conditioned fear-potentiated startle by NMDA antagonists in the amygdala Brief neonatal maternal separation alters extinction of conditioned fear and corticolimbic glucocorticoid and NMDA receptor expression in adult rats Close linkage between calcium/calmodulin kinase II α/β and NMDA‐2A receptors in the lateral amygdala and significance for retrieval of auditory fear conditioning Complex effects of NMDA receptor antagonist APV in the basolateral amygdala
… IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC WITH THE FAMILY-CENTERED NURSING APPROACH AND THE UTILIZATION OF FAMILY MEDICINAL PLANTS: A … … of potent inhibitors of COVID-19 main protease (Mpro) and angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) from natural products: Quercetin, hispidulin, and … … search for potential COVID-19 drugs from FDA-approved drugs and small molecules of natural origin identifies several anti-virals and plant products … to as black elder; Sambucus nigra). 9 Often marketed for immune system support due to its high content of vitamin C, fibre, and flavonoids, it has shown to … … USING NATURAL PRODUCTS TO PROVIDE INNATE IMMUNITY TO AGEING POPULATIONS AS PREVENTIVE MEASURE FOR COVID-19 A complementary note to Baldini's article “The impact of COVID-19 crisis on Plant Taxonomy: will we be able to approach to plant taxonomy as in the past?” A drug repurposing approach towards elucidating the potential of flavonoids as COVID-19 spike protein inhibitors A Molecular Docking Study against COVID-19 Protease with a Pomegranate Phyto-Constituents' Urolithin'and Other Repurposing Drugs: From a Supplement to … A pharmacology‐based comprehensive review on medicinal plants and phytoactive constituents possibly effective in the management of COVID ‐19 A Possible Role of Medicinal Plants in finding a Cure for COVID-19 A preliminary report on plant based immunity against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 ) in pandemic 2020 A review of South Indian medicinal plant has the ability to combat against deadly viruses along with COVID-19 ? A review on identification of antiviral potential medicinal plant compounds against with COVID-19 A REVIEW STUDY ON PATHOGENESIS OF COVID-19 AND EFFECTIVE MEDICINAL PLANTS A systematic review on COVID-19 pandemic with special emphasis on curative potentials of Nigeria based medicinal plants Advanced Material Against Human (Including COVID ‐19) and Plant Viruses: Nanoparticles As a Feasible Strategy Aloe vera (L.) burm. F. as a potential Anti-COVID-19 plant: a mini-review of its antiviral activity An in silico perception for newly isolated flavonoids from peach fruit as privileged avenue for a countermeasure outbreak of COVID-19 Anti-COVID-19 drug candidates: a review on potential biological activities of natural products in the management of new coronavirus infection Anti-COVID-19 natural products are spotlights for drug discovery and development Anti-SARS-CoV natural products with the potential to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 ) Antiviral Activity Of Indian Medicinal Plants: Prventive Measures For COVID-19 Antiviral efficacy of medicinal plants against respiratory viruses: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Coronavirus (CoV)/COVID 19 Ayurveda and its Medicinal Plants: Halting the Surge of COVID-19 Battle against Coronavirus: Repurposing old friends (Food borne polyphenols) for new enemy (COVID-19 ) Biomedicines-Cina against COVID-19 : Controlled Plant Diseases Enriched Science and Technology Communication Green Economy Blue Scope is warning it may never recover if it's forced to shut down its Port Kembla plant as a result of tougher measures to combat COVID-19 . Can medicinal plants contribute to the cure of Tunisian COVID-19 patients? Can Natural Polyphenols Help in Reducing Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients? Can phytotherapy with polyphenols serve as a powerful approach for the prevention and therapy tool of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19