DRY FASTING: THE ULTIMATE PATH TO LONGEVITY —A TRUE LIFE OR DEATH SCENARIO On extended dry fasts the first few days are the roughest as the body is still optimistically holding out for food or water but once it figures out that water and food are not coming and that death is imminent if it doesn't adapt and fast to given circumstance it switches gears into survival mode— this highly adapted state IS the magical key of dry fasting. Survival of the fittest. All weakness is eradicated. The option of supporting the diseased and parasitic is no longer viable. All non essentials are eliminated and recycled to sustain the essentials. This IS cellular renewal at the deepest level— unattainable by any other means. A 5 DAY DRY FAST SCIENTIFIC STUDY: "Background: Although there is considerable research in the field of fasting and fluid restriction, little is known about the impact of food and water deprivation (FWD) on body circumferences and vital parameters. Methods: During 5 days of FWD in 10 healthy adults, hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal parameters, such as weight, 5 circumferences at neck, waist, hip, chest at axilla, chest at nipples, and 1 new oblique hip circumference were measured daily. For each circumference, new quotients of daily circumference-to-weight decrease were calculated. The set of employed parameters quantified and monitored dieting persons' compliance and efficacy of the method. Results: The values of blood pressure, heart rate, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, glucose, K+, Na+, Cl-, urea, creatinine, and serum osmolality proved to be stable. The mean creatinine clearance increased up to 167%. The mean daily weight decrease (1,390 ± 60 g) demonstrated the effectiveness of FWD in weight reduction. The daily decrease of all measured circumferences and the values of the corresponding circumference-to-weight decrease quotients reflected considerable volume decrease in all measured body parts per day and kg of weight loss during FWD. Conclusion: The intervention of 5 FWD days in 10 healthy adults was found to be safe, decreased weight and all measured circumferences, and improved renal function considerably." http://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/357718 While indeed longer duration dry fasts, 3 to 7 days and beyond, are best utilized to bring an ill or obese person back into balance—once homeostasis is restored daily dry (or zero calorie fluid restricted) fasting is the most effective disease preventive measure one can employ in maintaining optimal health and delaying aging.       IMPORTANT: The exact reason why fluid is TEMPORARILY restricted will be explained in depth below; ***the goal is NOT chronic dehydration***as that would obviously have negative consequences; downregulation of Klotho being one. WHAT IS KLOTHO? Klotho, a transmembrane protein, protease, and hormone mainly expressed in renal tissue counteracts aging. Overexpression of Klotho substantially prolongs the life span. Klotho deficiency leads to excessive formation of 1,25(OH)2D3, growth deficit, accelerated aging, and early death. Aging is frequently paralleled by dehydration, which is considered to accelerate the development of age-related disorders. The present study explored the possibility that dehydration influences Klotho expression. Klotho transcript levels were determined by