Antilipolytic effect of insulin in isolated fat cells of the rat The Antilipolytic action of insulin in obese subjects with resistance to its glucoregulatory action Effect of cell size on lipolysis and Antilipolytic action of insulin in human fat cells Antilipolytic action of insulin on fat cells Systemic resistance to the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in black and white women with visceral obesity Various phosphodiesterase subtypes mediate the in vivo Antilipolytic effect of insulin on adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in man Resveratrol, a naturally occurring diphenolic compound, affects lipogenesis, lipolysis and the Antilipolytic action of insulin in isolated rat adipocytes Antilipolytic action of insulin: role of cAMP phosphodiesterase activation The Antilipolytic effect of insulin in human adipose tissue in obesity, diabetes mellitus, hyperinsulinemia, and starvation Adipose tissue lipolysis revisited (again!): lactate involvement in insulin Antilipolytic action Insensitivity of large rat adipocytes to the Antilipolytic effects of insulin Evidence for the key role of the adipocyte cGMP-inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase in the Antilipolytic action of insulin Pro12Ala Polymorphism in the Peroxisome Proliferator–Activated Receptor-γ2 Gene Is Associated With Increased Antilipolytic insulin Sensitivity insulin receptor down-regulation and impaired Antilipolytic action of insulin in diabetic patients after pancreas/kidney transplantation Antilipolytic actions of vanadate and insulin in rat adipocytes mediated by distinctly different mechanisms A longitudinal study of the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in women following bariatric surgery Antilipolytic effects of insulin and adenylate cyclase inhibitors on isolated human fat cells. Effect of the Antilipolytic nicotinic acid analogue acipimox on whole-body and skeletal muscle glucose metabolism in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes … Regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose transport in the isolated rat adipocyte. cAMP-independent effects of lipolytic and Antilipolytic agents. Role of phosphodiesterase III in the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in vivo Influence of obesity on the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in isolated human fat cells obtained before and after glucose ingestion. insulin-mimetic compound hexaquis (benzylammonium) decavanadate is Antilipolytic in human fat cells Glucocorticoids antagonize tumor necrosis factor-α-stimulated lipolysis and resistance to the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in human adipocytes Evidence for marked sensitivity to the Antilipolytic action of insulin in obese maturity-onset diabetics The Antilipolytic effects of insulin and epidermal growth factor in rat adipocytes are mediated by different mechanisms Molecular mechanisms involved in the Antilipolytic action of insulin: phosphorylation and activation of a particulate adipocyte cAMP phosphodiesterase Antilipolytic actions of insulin on basal and hormone-induced lipolysis in rat adipocytes Overactivation of the endocannabinoid system alters the Antilipolytic action of insulin in mouse adipose tissue Comparative studies of the Antilipolytic effect of insulin and adenosine in the perifused isolated fat cell The Antilipolytic effect of insulin in human adipocytes requires activation of the phosphodiesterase Lowering of triglycerides by gemfibrozil affects neither the glucoregulatory nor Antilipolytic effect of insulin in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetic patients Glucose stimulation of the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in humans Resistance to the Antilipolytic effect of insulin in adipocytes of African-American compared to Caucasian postmenopausal women PKB inhibition prevents the stimulatory effect of insulin on glucose transport and protein translocation but
Hormone-sensitive lipase Hormone-sensitive lipase-new roles for an old enzyme Molecular mechanisms regulating Hormone-sensitive lipase and lipolysis Molecular mechanisms regulating Hormone-sensitive lipase and lipolysis Hormone-sensitive lipase knockouts Adipose triglyceride lipase and Hormone-sensitive lipase protein expression is decreased in the obese insulin-resistant state Hormone-sensitive lipase: sixty years later Hormone-sensitive lipase-a multipurpose enzyme in lipid metabolism. Studies on the substrate and stereo/regioselectivity of adipose triglyceride lipase, Hormone-sensitive lipase, and diacylglycerol-O-acyltransferases Letting lipids go: Hormone-sensitive lipase Adipose triglyceride lipase and Hormone-sensitive lipase are the major enzymes in adipose tissue triacylglycerol catabolism Hormone-sensitive lipase and monoacylglycerol lipase are both required for complete degradation of adipocyte triacylglycerol Hormone-sensitive lipase: sequence, expression, and chromosomal localization to 19 cent-q13. 3 Contribution of adipose triglyceride lipase and Hormone-sensitive lipase to lipolysis in hMADS adipocytes The adipose tissue phenotype of Hormone‐sensitive lipase deficiency in mice Perilipin A is essential for the translocation of Hormone-sensitive lipase during lipolytic activation Hormone-sensitive lipase deficiency in mice causes diglyceride accumulation in adipose tissue, muscle, and testis Comparative studies of the role of Hormone-sensitive lipase and adipose triglyceride lipase in human fat cell lipolysis Phosphorylation of bovine Hormone‐sensitive lipase by the AMP‐activated protein kinase: A possible antilipolytic mechanism Structure–function relationships of Hormone‐sensitive lipase Identification and role of the basal phosphorylation site on Hormone‐sensitive lipase Interaction of rat Hormone-sensitive lipase with adipocyte lipid-binding protein Hormonal regulation of Hormone-sensitive lipase activity and mRNA levels in isolated rat adipocytes. Lipoprotein lipase and Hormone-sensitive lipase activity and mRNA in rat adipose tissue during pregnancy Expression of Hormone-sensitive lipase and its regulation by adrenaline in skeletal muscle Null mutation in Hormone-sensitive lipase gene and risk of type 2 diabetes Phosphorylation of Hormone-sensitive lipase by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Domain-structure analysis of recombinant rat Hormone-sensitive lipase A novel lipase belonging to the Hormone-sensitive lipase family induced under starvation to utilize stored triacylglycerol in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Coordinated regulation of Hormone-sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase in human adipose tissue in vivo: implications for the control of fat storage and fat … Decreased expression and function of adipocyte Hormone-sensitive lipase in subcutaneous fat cells of obese subjects Mechanism of Hormone-stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes: translocation of Hormone-sensitive lipase to the lipid storage droplet. A role for Hormone-sensitive lipase in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion: a study in Hormone-sensitive lipase-deficient mice Inhibition of Hormone sensitive lipase and pancreatic lipase by Rosmarinus officinalis extract and selected phenolic constituents Identification of novel phosphorylation sites in Hormone-sensitive lipase that are phosphorylated in response to isoproterenol and govern activation properties … The effects of tolbutamide on lipoproteins, lipoprotein lipase and Hormone-sensitive lipase Stimulation of lipolysis and Hormone-sensitive lipase via the extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathway Mutational analysis of the Hormone-sensitive lipase translocation reaction in adipocytes Targeted disruption of Hormone-sensitive lipase results in male sterility and adipocyte hypertrophy, but not in obesity The resurgence of Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) in mammalian lipolysis The multifunctional role of Hormone-sensitive lipase in lipid metabolism Adipocyte Hormone-sensitive lipase: a major regulator of lipid metabolism Comparison of Hormone-sensitive lipase activity in visceral and subcutaneous human adipose tissue Hormone-sensitive lipase functions
NAD+ kinase—a review A methanol/dioxygen biofuel cell that uses NAD+-dependent dehydrogenases as catalysts: application of an electro-enzymatic method to regenerate nicotinamide … Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Selectively Binds AU-rich RNA in the NAD+-binding Region (Rossmann Fold)(∗) Activities of citrate synthase and NAD+-linked and NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase in muscle from vertebrates and invertebrates Structural determination of a cyclic metabolite of NAD+ with intracellular Ca2+-mobilizing activity ADP-ribosyl cyclase: an enzyme that cyclizes NAD+ into a calcium-mobilizing metabolite. Control of the shift from homolactic acid to mixed-acid fermentation in Lactococcus lactis: predominant role of the NADH/NAD+ ratio Calcium ions and the regulation of NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase from the mitochondria of rat heart and other tissues Inhibitor and NAD+ Binding to Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase As Derived from Crystal Structures and Homology Modeling, The two isoenzymes for yeast NAD+-dependent glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase encoded by GPD1 and GPD2 have distinct roles in osmoadaptation … NAD+-Dependent Enzyme Electrodes:  Electrical Contact of Cofactor-Dependent Enzymes and Electrodes Prostaglandin-Metabolizing Enzymes During Pregnancy: Characterization of NAD+-Dependent Prostaglandin Dehydrogenase, Carbonyl Reductase, and … Roles of glycerol and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) in acquired osmotolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae A single protein immunologically identified as CD38 displays NAD+ glycohydrolase, ADP-ribosyl cyclase and cyclic ADP-ribose hydrolase activities at the outer … Electroreduction of NAD+ to enzymatically active NADH at poly (neutral red) modified electrodes … of the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine (MPP+) by mitochondria and its relation to the inhibition of the mitochondrial oxidation of NAD+-linked substrates by … A molecular mechanics force field for NAD+ NADH, and the pyrophosphate groups of nucleotides Causes and elimination of erratic blanks in enzymatic metabolite assays involving the use of NAD+ in alkaline hydrazine buffers: improved conditions for the assay of … … dismutase, catalase, glutathione reductase, inorganic peroxides, TBA-reactive material, GSH/GSSG, NADPH/NADP+ and NADH/NAD+ in Drosophila melanogaster Regulation of NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase by Ca2+ ions within toluene-permeabilized rat heart mitochondria. Interactions with … Purification and properties of the NAD+-dependent (type D) and O2-dependent (type O) forms of rat liver xanthine dehydrogenase A gene encoding sn‐glycerol 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) complements an osmosensitive mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Purification and properties of the NAD+-xylitol-dehydrogenase from the yeast Pichia stipitis Osmoregulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae studies on the osmotic induction of glycerol production and glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) The mechanism of conversion of rat liver xanthine dehydrogenase from an NAD+-dependent form (type D) to an O2-dependent form (type O) Utilization of Glycerol as a Hydrogen Acceptor by Lactobacillus reuteri: Purification of 1,3-Propanediol:NAD+ Oxidoreductase NAD+ ‐dependent malic enzyme of Rhizobium meliloti is required for symbiotic nitrogen fixation Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) and related compounds. Electrochemical redox pattern and allied chemical behavior Cloning and characterization of GPD2, a second gene encoding sn‐glycerol 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (NAD+) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and its comparison … Structures of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase complexed with NAD+ and substituted benzyl alcohols Large supplements of nicotinic acid and nicotinamide increase tissue NAD+ and poly (ADP-ribose) levels but do not affect diethylnitrosamine-induced altered hepatic … The effect of growth conditions on NAD+ and NADH concentrations
Molecular physiology of amylin The role of amylin in the control of energy homeostasis Amylin: history and overview Dose-response for glucagonostatic effect of amylin in rats Polymorphic fibrillar assembly of human amylin Amylin: a novel action in the brain to reduce body weight Analysis of amylin cleavage products provides new insights into the amyloidogenic region of human amylin Amylin decreases meal size in rats Clinical implications of amylin and amylin deficiency Amylin agonists: a novel approach in the treatment of diabetes Missense mutation of amylin gene (S20G) in Japanese NIDDM patients Amylin, food intake, and obesity Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy does not influence the anorectic effect of amylin Degradation of amylin by insulin-degrading enzyme In vitro autoradiographic localization of amylin binding sites in rat brain The role of amylin in the physiology of glycemic control Anorexia following the intrahypothalamic administration of amylin Effects of meal ingestion on plasma amylin concentration in NIDDM and nondiabetic humans S20G mutant amylin exhibits increased in vitro amyloidogenicity and increased intracellular cytotoxicity compared to wild-type amylin Permeability of the blood-brain barrier to amylin Amylin and the amylin gene: structure, function and relationship to islet amyloid and to diabetes mellitus Pancreatic islet cell toxicity of amylin associated with type-2 diabetes mellitus High affinity amylin binding sites in rat brain. Stable and metastable states of human amylin in solution Mechanisms of amylin/leptin synergy in rodent models Roles of amylin in diabetes and in regulation of nutrient load. Expression of the rat amylin (IAPP/DAP) gene. Preclinical pharmacology of pramlintide in the rat: comparisons with human and rat amylin Structure and biology of amylin Full-length rat amylin forms fibrils following substitution of single residues from human amylin Molecular and functional characterization of amylin, a peptide associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The physiology of amylin and insulin Pore Formation by the Cytotoxic Islet Amyloid Peptide Amylin (∗) Atomic structure of the cross‐β spine of islet amyloid polypeptide (amylin) Amylin decreases food intake in mice Central amylin expression and its induction in rat dams Pancreatic amylin as a centrally acting satiating hormone The parallel superpleated beta-structure as a model for amyloid fibrils of human amylin Amyloid fibril formation from full-length and fragments of amylin Dynamic α-helix structure of micelle-bound human amylin Reduction of food intake in rats by intraperitoneal injection of low doses of amylin Basal and stimulated plasma levels of pancreatic amylin indicate its co-secretion with insulin in humans Amylin secretion from the rat pancreas and its selective loss after streptozotocin treatment. Amylin receptors: molecular composition and pharmacology Amylin compared with calcitonin gene-related peptide: structure, biology, and relevance to metabolic disease Davalintide (AC2307), a novel amylin-mimetic peptide: enhanced pharmacological properties over native amylin to reduce food intake and body weight Differential permeability of the blood–brain barrier to two pancreatic peptides: insulin and amylin Pancreatic signals controlling food intake; insulin, glucagon and amylin Amylin deposition in the kidney of patients with diabetic nephropathy An insulin-degrading enzyme inhibitor decreases amylin degradation, increases amylin-induced cytotoxicity, and increases amyloid formation in insulinoma cell … Copper (II)
Adapting proteostasis for disease intervention Biological and chemical approaches to diseases of proteostasis deficiency Proteostasis and aging The proteostasis network and its decline in ageing The biology of proteostasis in aging and disease Pathways of cellular proteostasis in aging and disease Aging as an event of proteostasis collapse Proteostasis impairment in protein-misfolding and-aggregation diseases Quality control of mitochondrial proteostasis Proteostasis control by the unfolded protein response Proteostasis, oxidative stress and aging Molecular chaperones in protein folding and proteostasis Proteostasis in cardiac health and disease Proteostasis and longevity: when does aging really begin? Proteostasis and the aging proteome in health and disease Proteostasis impairment in ALS FoldEco: a model for proteostasis in E. coli Molecular chaperone functions in protein folding and proteostasis Cellular proteostasis in neurodegeneration Protein folding and mechanisms of proteostasis Proteostasis and aging of stem cells Walking the tightrope: proteostasis and neurodegenerative disease Small-molecule proteostasis regulators for protein conformational diseases Disturbance of endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis in neurodegenerative diseases Enhancing mitochondrial proteostasis reduces amyloid-β proteotoxicity Proteostasis in complex dendrites Small molecules to improve ER proteostasis in disease Insulin regulation of proteostasis and clinical implications Proteostasis in endoplasmic reticulum—new mechanisms in kidney disease Collapse of proteostasis represents an early molecular event in Caenorhabditis elegans aging The endolysosomal system and proteostasis: from development to degeneration Endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis impairment in aging Immunoproteasomes are important for proteostasis in immune responses Less is more: improving proteostasis by translation slow down Shaping proteostasis at the cellular, tissue, and organismal level Modeling general proteostasis: proteome balance in health and disease A chaperome subnetwork safeguards proteostasis in aging and neurodegenerative disease Dysfunction of cellular proteostasis in Parkinson's disease The UFMylation system in proteostasis and beyond Chemical and biological approaches for adapting proteostasis to ameliorate protein misfolding and aggregation diseases–progress and prognosis The contribution of the 20S proteasome to proteostasis The proteostasis boundary in misfolding diseases of membrane traffic Diversity in the origins of proteostasis networks—a driver for protein function in evolution A ribosomal perspective on proteostasis and aging Tailoring of proteostasis networks with heat shock factors Role of protein misfolding and proteostasis deficiency in protein misfolding diseases and aging Preventing proteostasis diseases by selective inhibition of a phosphatase regulatory subunit Extracellular chaperones and proteostasis Targeting defective proteostasis in the collagenopathies Proteostasis and REDOX state in the heart Endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis in hepatic steatosis HSF1: guardian of proteostasis in cancer Mitochondrial proteostasis in the control of aging and longevity The nascent polypeptide‐associated complex is a key regulator of proteostasis A cellular perspective on conformational disease: the role of genetic background and proteostasis networks A genetic screening strategy identifies novel regulators of the proteostasis network Nutrient‐driven O‐GlcNAc in proteostasis and neurodegeneration Systemic stress signalling: understanding the cell non-autonomous control of proteostasis Molecular chaperones and neuronal proteostasis Proteostasis and neurodegeneration: the roles of proteasomal degradation and autophagy Regulation of organismal proteostasis by transcellular chaperone signaling Stress-independent activation of XBP1s and/or ATF6 reveals three functionally diverse ER proteostasis environments Happily (n) ever after: Aging in the context of oxidative stress, proteostasis
AMPK activation: a therapeutic target for type 2 diabetes? AMPK activators–potential therapeutics for metabolic and other diseases AMPK activation, a preventive therapeutic target in the transition from cardiac injury to heart failure Choreography of AMPK activation Use of cells expressing γ subunit variants to identify diverse mechanisms of AMPK activation Identification and characterization of a small molecule AMPK activator that treats key components of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome Effect of AMPK activation on muscle glucose metabolism in conscious rats AMP as a low-energy charge signal autonomously initiates assembly of AXIN-AMPK-LKB1 complex for AMPK activation A redox-dependent mechanism for regulation of AMPK activation by Thioredoxin1 during energy starvation Prognostic significance of AMPK activation and therapeutic effects of metformin in hepatocellular carcinoma Antileukemic effects of AMPK activators on BCR-ABL–expressing cells Anti-diabetic and anti-lipidemic effects of chlorogenic acid are mediated by ampk activation A small molecule AMPK activator protects the heart against ischemia–reperfusion injury SIRT1 is required for AMPK activation and the beneficial effects of resveratrol on mitochondrial function Hypoxia triggers AMPK activation through reactive oxygen species-mediated activation of calcium release-activated calcium channels Metformin amplifies chemotherapy-induced AMPK activation and antitumoral growth Berberine suppresses proinflammatory responses through AMPK activation in macrophages Activation of autophagy in human skeletal muscle is dependent on exercise intensity and AMPK activation Starvation-induced autophagy is regulated by mitochondrial reactive oxygen species leading to AMPK activation Predominant α2/β2/γ3 AMPK activation during exercise in human skeletal muscle Sestrin2 promotes LKB1-mediated AMPK activation in the ischemic heart Therapeutic metformin/AMPK activation blocked lymphoma cell growth via inhibition of mTOR pathway and induction of autophagy Berberine-induced apoptotic and autophagic death of HepG2 cells requires AMPK activation Suppression of AMPK activation via S485 phosphorylation by IGF-I during hyperglycemia is mediated by AKT activation in vascular smooth muscle cells Structural basis for AMPK activation: natural and synthetic ligands regulate kinase activity from opposite poles by different molecular mechanisms AMPK activator AICAR ameliorates ischaemia reperfusion injury in the rat kidney Gain-of-function mutant p53 promotes cell growth and cancer cell metabolism via inhibition of AMPK activation Structural basis of AMPK regulation by small molecule activators Chlorogenic acid stimulates glucose transport in skeletal muscle via AMPK activation: a contributor to the beneficial effects of coffee on diabetes Resveratrol promotes autophagic cell death in chronic myelogenous leukemia cells via JNK-mediated p62/SQSTM1 expression and AMPK activation AICAR, an AMPK activator, has protective effects on alcohol‐induced fatty liver in rats AMPK activation—protean potential for boosting healthspan Potential AMPK activators of cucurbitane triterpenoids from Siraitia grosvenorii Swingle Nilotinib induces autophagy in hepatocellular carcinoma through AMPK activation Resveratrol modulates tumor cell proliferation and protein translation via SIRT1-dependent AMPK activation AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activators from Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) and their anti-obesity effect AMPK activation regulates neuronal structure in developing hippocampal neurons AMPK activation of muscle autophagy prevents fasting-induced hypoglycemia and myopathy during aging AMPK activation regulates apoptosis, adipogenesis, and lipolysis by eIF2α in adipocytes AMPK activators suppress cervical cancer cell growth through inhibition of DVL3 mediated Wnt/β-catenin signaling activity Berberine-induced AMPK activation
… (GH) analog can antagonize the ability of native GH to promote differentiation of 3T3-F442A preadipocytes and stimulate insulin-like and lipolytic activities in primary … … a supplement containing conjugated linoleic acid on dairy performance, milk fatty acid composition, and adipose tissue reactivity to lipolytic challenge in mid … … analogs of lysolecithin and their use in a continuous spectrophotometric assay for lysophospholipases, a method with potential applicability to other lipolytic enzymes … and reduction of fat stores on the antilipolytic alpha 2-adrenoceptor in hamster adipocytes: comparison with adenosine and beta-adrenergic lipolytic … … and Yarrowia lipolytica strains in dried fermented sausage manufacture. Part 1: Evaluation of their effects on microbial evolution, lipolytic and proteolytic patterns … breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cells proliferation in co-culture with human adipocytes in three dimensional collagen gel matrix: norepinephrine as a lipolytic … … diabetes mellitus is the result of the inability to secrete insulin. Augmented insulin secretion normally limits the glycemic, but not the lipolytic or ketogenic, response to … … during postprandial lipemia parallels the response of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in type 2 diabetes: no relationship between apoA-V and postheparin plasma lipolytic … … high‐density lipoprotein metabolism and reverse cholesterol transport in insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus: role of lipolytic enzymes, lecithin: cholesterol … … human breast adenocarcinoma [MCF-7] cells proliferation in co-culture with human adipocytes in three dimensional collagen gel matrix: norepinephrine as a lipolytic … … HYPERSENSITIVE RESPONSE OF BEAN INOCULATED WITH PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE PV. PHASEOLICOLA RACE 1 (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS, lipolytic … … in biological materials. II. The measurement of adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate in tissues and the role of the cyclic nucleotide in the lipolytic response of fat to … … IN THE EARLY PERIODS AFTER IONIZING RADIATION AND THE EFFECT OF WHOLE-BODY ALPHAIRRADIATION ON lipolytic ENZYME INDUCTION BY … … of 1-substituted 6, 7-dihydroxy-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinolines: inhibition of 3H-dopamine accumulation by rat brain slices and lipolytic activity with isolated mouse … … of a versatile cassette for directional genome walking using cassette ligation-mediated PCR and its application in the cloning of complete lipolytic genes from Bacillus … … of an axenic fungal isolate of aspergillus sp.(mbl-1511) and its subsequent improvement for enhanced extracellular lipolytic potential through monoculture … … of Corticotropin. III. The Synthesis of L-Histidyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginyl-L-tryptophan, the Smallest Peptide Exhibiting the Melanocyte-stimulating and the lipolytic … … of hypertriglyceridemia by two diets rich either in unsaturated fatty acids or in carbohydrates: effects on lipoprotein subclasses, lipolytic enzymes, lipid transfer proteins … … of large very low density lipoprotein in plasma during intravenous infusion of a chylomicron-like triglyceride emulsion reflects competition for a common lipolytic … … of preadipocytes with fish oil, mixed oil, or soybean oil-based lipid emulsions have differential effects on the regulation of lipogenic and lipolytic genes in mature 3T3 … … of sodium taurodeoxycholate, CaCl2 and albumin on the action of pancreatic lipase on droplets of trioleoylglycerol and the release of lipolytic products into aqueous … … overview of Tityus cisandinus scorpion venom: Transcriptome and
Terpenoids in the atmosphere Terpenoids. XLVII.1 The Structure of Genipin2 Biochemistry of Terpenoids Recent advances in the chemistry of Terpenoid tumor inhibitors Terpenoids. XLVI.1 Copalic Acid2 The geochemistry of Terpenoids and steroids Biosynthesis of Terpenoids The Structure of Ophiobolin, a C25 Terpenoid Having a Novel Skeleton Biochemistry and physiology of lower Terpenoids Terpenoids. XXXI.1 The Structure and Stereochemistry of Medicagenic Acid2 Chemistry of coelenterates. I. Occurrence of Terpenoid compounds in gorgonians Terpenoid metabolites of mushrooms and related basidiomycetes Antimicrobial Terpenoids of Gossypium: Hemigossypol, 6-methoxyhemigossypol and 6-deoxyhemigossypol Conversion of methyl ketones into terminal acetylenes and (E)-trisubstituted olefins of Terpenoid origin Terpenoids—CVI: the structure of calarenol Some Terpenoid insect antifeedants from tropical plants The chemistry of ants. I. Terpenoid constituents of some Australian Iridomyrmex species Terpenoids of Perezia hebeclada Antimicrobial Terpenoids of Gossypium: 6-methoxygossypol and 6, 6′-dimethoxygossypol Terpenoids from the dorid nudibranch Cadlina luteomarginata An effective method of DNA isolation from the mature leaves of Gossypium species that contain large amounts of phenolic Terpenoids and tannins Juvenile hormone: activity of aromatic Terpenoid ethers Induction of furano-Terpenoids in sweet potato roots by the larval components of the sweet potato weevils Stereochemistry of trisubstituted double bonds in Terpenoids Terpenoids by microbial fermentation Terpenoid chemistry. XI.(–)-β-Sesquiphellandrene Histochemistry and isolation of gossypol and related Terpenoids in roots of cotton seedlings Biosynthesis of sterols, steroids, and Terpenoids. Part I. Biogenesis of cholesterol and the fundamental steps in Terpenoid biosynthesis Seasonal variation of Terpenoid constituents in natural populations of Juniperus pinchotii Sudw Juniper oil yield, Terpenoid concentration, and antimicrobial effects on deer Polyzonimine: a novel Terpenoid insect repellent produced by a milliped Terpenoids—LXII: the constitution of agarospirol, a sesquiTerpenoid with a new skeleton Terpenoids derived from linalyl oxide. Part 1. The stereochemistry of the davanones Some new Terpenoid metabolites from an unidentified Fusarium species Terpenoids-LXXIV: The sesquiterpenes from the soft coral sinularia mayi Terpenoids. Part VI. The complete structure of melianone An antifungal Terpenoid defends a neotropical tree (Hymenaea) against attack by fungus-growing ants (Atta) Terpenoids. XIV. The Constitution and Biogenesis of Marasmic Acid1,2 The chemistry of ants. IV. Terpenoid constituents of some Dolichoderus and Iridomyrmex species Terpenoids and aromatic compounds as chemosystematic indicators in Hepaticae and Anthocerotae Aplidiasphingosine, an antimicrobial and antitumor Terpenoid from an Aplidium species (marine tunicate) Terpenoids—LXIX: Absolute configuration of (−) α-curcumene Phenolic and Terpenoid heartwood constituents of Libocedrus yateensis Terpenoids—CVII: The structure of nardostachone Terpenoid constituents from two Phyllospongia spp. A novel approach to complex Terpenoid methylenecyclohexanes Alkaloids and Terpenoids of Bleekeria vitiensis Non-Terpenoid C-15 metabolites from the red seaweed Laurencia pinnatifida Three triterpenes and other Terpenoids from Catha cassinoides Terpenoid biosynthesis in Euphorbia latex Terpenoids—XLI: Structure and absolute configuration of α-agarofuran,⨿-agarofuran and dihydroagarofuran Histochemical localization and nematoxicity of Terpenoid aldehydes in cotton Terpenoid and other extractives of western white pine bark Biological activity of the Terpenoids and their derivatives Terpenoid imidazoles: New anti-juvenile hormones Terpenoids. LVII.1 Mass Spectral and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Pentacyclic Triterpene Hydrocarbons2 QUANTITATIVE STUDY OF CLINAL VARIATION IN Juniperus virginiana USING Terpenoid DATA Terpenoids—LVIII: Base catalysed reactions
Speculating about PYRAZINES The PYRAZINES. Synthesis of imidazo [1, 2-a] annulated pyridines, PYRAZINES and pyrimidines by a novel three-component condensation Recent advances in development of imidazo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES: synthesis, reactivity and their biological applications Microwave-accelerated three-component condensation reaction on clay: solvent-free synthesis of imidazo [1, 2-a] annulated pyridines, PYRAZINES and pyrimidines Structure–activity relationships of furazano [3, 4-b] PYRAZINES as mitochondrial uncouplers Direct Synthesis of Chiral 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]PYRAZINES via a Catalytic Asymmetric Intramolecular Aza-Friedel–Crafts Reaction One-step synthesis of dialkynyl-1, 2-diones and their conversion to fused PYRAZINES bearing enediyne units Discovery of 8-Amino-imidazo[1,5-a]PYRAZINES as Reversible BTK Inhibitors for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Structure-Based Drug Design of Novel Potent and Selective Tetrahydropyrazolo[1,5-a]PYRAZINES as ATR Inhibitors Synthesis of Tetrahydropyrrolo/indolo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES by Enantioselective Hydrogenation of Heterocyclic Imines Piperazinylimidazo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES with selective affinity for in vitro. alpha.-adrenergic receptor subtypes Identification of 2-amino-5-aryl-PYRAZINES as inhibitors of human lactate dehydrogenase Cascade synthesis of indolizines and pyrrolo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES from 2-formyl-1-propargylpyrroles Novel thieno-[3, 4-b]-PYRAZINES cored dendrimers with carbazole dendrons: design, synthesis, and application in solution-processed red organic light-emitting diodes Thieno[3,4-b]PYRAZINES:  Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity Discovery of Imidazo[1,2-a]PYRAZINES and Pyrazolo[1,5-c]pyrimidines as TARP γ-8 Selective AMPAR Negative Modulators 2,3-Diphenylthieno[3,4-b]PYRAZINES as Hole-Transporting Materials for Stable, High-Performance Perovskite Solar Cells PYRAZINES in foods Pyrido[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]PYRAZINES as Selective, Brain Penetrant Phosphodiesterase 2 (PDE2) Inhibitors Brönsted acid hydrotrope combined catalyst for environmentally benign synthesis of quinoxalines and pyrido [2, 3-b] PYRAZINES in aqueous medium PYRAZINES: occurrence, formation and biodegradation Control strategies of PYRAZINES generation from Maillard reaction General microwave-assisted protocols for the expedient synthesis of quinoxalines and heterocyclic PYRAZINES Combretastatin A-4 inspired novel 2-aryl-3-arylamino-imidazo-pyridines/PYRAZINES as tubulin polymerization inhibitors, antimitotic and anticancer agents Parallel synthesis of 3-aminoimidazo [1, 2-a] pyridines and PYRAZINES by a new three-component condensation Assembly of 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydropyrrolo[1,2-a]PYRAZINES via the Domino Reaction of 2-Imidazolines and Terminal Electron-Deficient Alkynes Synthesis, biological evaluation and molecular modeling study of 2-amino-3, 5-disubstituted-PYRAZINES as Aurora kinases inhibitors Imidazo [1, 2-a] pyrimidines and imidazo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES: the role of nitrogen position in inotropic activity Synthesis and evaluation of imidazo [1, 5-a] PYRAZINES as corticotropin releasing hormone receptor ligands Characterization of PYRAZINES in some Chinese liquors and their approximate concentrations PYRAZINES: Synthesis and industrial application of these valuable flavor and fragrance compounds The biological roles of PYRAZINES: evidence for a warning odour function Influence of free amino acids, oligopeptides, and polypeptides on the formation of PYRAZINES in Maillard model systems Preparation of quinoxalines, dihydroPYRAZINES, PYRAZINES and piperazines using tandem oxidation processes Advances in the directed metallation of azines and diazines (pyridines, pyrimidines, PYRAZINES, pyridazines, quinolines, benzodiazines and carbolines). Part 1 … … Modeling of New Pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalines, Bispyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalines, Bispyrido[3,2-e]pyrrolo[1,2-a]PYRAZINES, and Bispyrrolo[1,2-a]thieno[3,2-e]PYRAZINES Preparation of Pyrido-(2, 3)-PYRAZINES, Pyrido-(3, 4)-PYRAZINES and Imidazo-(b)-pyridines 2-and 3-substituted imidazo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES as inhibitors of bacterial type IV secretion Design and evaluation of 3, 6-di (hetero) aryl imidazo [1, 2-a] PYRAZINES as inhibitors of checkpoint and other kinases Synthesis of 2, 3-disubstituted PYRAZINES and quinoxalines by Heck cross-coupling reactions of 2, 3-dichloropyrazine and 2, 3-dichloroquinoxaline. Influence of the … … of azines and
Phenylpropanoids Phenylpropanoids Phenylpropanoids as naturally occurring antioxidants: from plant defense to human health Nature's assembly line: biosynthesis of simple Phenylpropanoids and polyketides Structure and function of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of Phenylpropanoids Biosynthesis and regulation of Phenylpropanoids in plants Effect of salicylic acid on Phenylpropanoids and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in harvested grape berries Phenylpropanoids from medicinal plants: distribution, classification, structural analysis, and biological activity Multifaceted regulations of gateway enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in the biosynthesis of Phenylpropanoids Jasmonic acid elicitation of Hypericum perforatum L. cell suspensions and effects on the production of Phenylpropanoids and naphtodianthrones Accumulation of Phenylpropanoids in the rectal glands of males of the Oriental fruit fly,Dacus dorsalis Antiallergic principles from Alpinia galanga: structural requirements of Phenylpropanoids for inhibition of degranulation and release of TNF-α and IL-4 in RBL-2H3 … Identification of Phenylpropanoids in methyl jasmonate treated Brassica rapa leaves using two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Metabolic pathways as enzyme complexes: evidence for the synthesis of Phenylpropanoids and flavonoids on membrane associated enzyme complexes Phenylpropanoids, Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase and Peroxidases in Elicitor‐challenged Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Suspension Cells and Leaves Phenylpropanoids and its derivatives: biological activities and its role in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries A review on anti-inflammatory activity of Phenylpropanoids found in essential oils Combination of Phenylpropanoids with 5-fluorouracil as anti-cancer agents against human cervical cancer (HeLa) cell line Phenylpropanoids and neolignans from Piper regnellii Plant Phenylpropanoids as emerging anti-inflammatory agents Antimutagenic Activity of Phenylpropanoids from Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) Isoprenoids and Phenylpropanoids are part of the antioxidant defense orchestrated daily by drought‐stressed Platanus × acerifolia plants during Mediterranean … Constitutive elevated accumulation of Phenylpropanoids in soybean roots at low temperature Gastroprotective effects of Phenylpropanoids from the rhizomes of Alpinia galanga in rats: structural requirements and mode of action Combination effects of antifungal nagilactones against Candida albicans and two other fungi with Phenylpropanoids Soluble Phenylpropanoids are involved in the defense response of Arabidopsis against Verticillium longisporum Synergistic interaction of Phenylpropanoids with antibiotics against bacteria … of salicylic acid elicitation of shoots, callus, and cell suspension cultures on production of naphtodianthrones and Phenylpropanoids in Hypericum perforatum L. Roles of oxygen and the intestinal microflora in the metabolism of lignin-derived Phenylpropanoids and other monoaromatic compounds by termites Hepatoprotective Phenylpropanoids from Scrophularia buergeriana roots against CCl4-induced toxicity: action mechanism and structure-activity relationship Cyanobacteria-mediated Phenylpropanoids and phytohormones in rice (Oryza sativa) enhance plant growth and stress tolerance Maize Lc transcription factor enhances biosynthesis of anthocyanins, distinct proanthocyanidins and Phenylpropanoids in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) Phenylpropanoids and their metabolites are the major compounds responsible for blood-cell protection against oxidative stress after administration of Lippia citriodora … Antimicrobial Phenylpropanoids from Piper sarmentosum Induction of oxidative stress as a possible mechanism of the antifungal action of three Phenylpropanoids Dracomolphesin A–E, five 3, 4-seco-Phenylpropanoids with Nrf2 inducing activity from Dracocephalum moldavica … green deep eutectic solvent dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction (DES-DLLME) for the UHPLC-PDA determination of oxyprenylated Phenylpropanoids in olive, soy … Decreased Rubisco activity leads to dramatic changes of nitrate metabolism, amino acid metabolism and the levels