The biology of PGC-1α and its therapeutic potential PGC-1α: a key regulator of energy metabolism PGC-1α-mediated adaptations in skeletal muscle PGC-1α and PGC-1β regulate mitochondrial density in neurons Bioenergetic analysis of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivators 1α and 1β (PGC-1α and PGC-1β) in muscle cells Multiple environmental and genetic factors influence skeletal muscle PGC-1α and PGC-1β gene expression in twins … PGC-1α) coactivates the cardiac-enriched nuclear receptors estrogen-related receptor-α and-γ: identification of novel leucine-rich interaction motif within PGC … Role of PGC‐1α signaling in skeletal muscle health and disease Lipin 1 is an inducible amplifier of the hepatic PGC-1α/PPARα regulatory pathway PGC-1α: turbocharging mitochondria Impaired PGC-1α function in muscle in Huntington's disease PGC-1α, a new therapeutic target in Huntington's disease? PGC-1α in aging and anti-aging interventions PGC-1α regulation by exercise training and its influences on muscle function and insulin sensitivity Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α): transcriptional coactivator and metabolic regulator PGC-1α supports glutamine metabolism in breast cancer FGF15/19 regulates hepatic glucose metabolism by inhibiting the CREB-PGC-1α pathway Transcriptional coactivators PGC-1α and PGC-lβ control overlapping programs required for perinatal maturation of the heart Transcriptional control of mitochondrial biogenesis: the central role of PGC-1α … transcription of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ co-activator-1α (PGC-1α) gene in skeletal muscle through the PGC-1α autoregulatory loop and … Activation of nuclear receptor coactivator PGC-1α by arginine methylation Regulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) and mitochondrial function by MEF2 and HDAC5 Nutrient control of glucose homeostasis through a complex of PGC-1α and SIRT1 PGC-1α, mitochondrial dysfunction, and Huntington's disease Metabolic adaptations through the PGC-1α and SIRT1 pathways A fundamental system of cellular energy homeostasis regulated by PGC-1α PGC-1α regulates the mitochondrial antioxidant defense system in vascular endothelial cells Sirtuin 3, a new target of PGC-1α, plays an important role in the suppression of ROS and mitochondrial biogenesis SUMOylation attenuates the function of PGC-1α A role for the transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α in muscle refueling Development of insulin resistance in mice lacking PGC-1α in adipose tissues The estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) functions in PPARγ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α)-induced mitochondrial biogenesis Regulation of PGC-1α, a nodal regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis Insulin-regulated hepatic gluconeogenesis through FOXO1–PGC-1α interaction Regulation of PPARγ coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) signaling by an estrogen-related receptor α (ERRα) ligand PARIS (ZNF746) repression of PGC-1α contributes to neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease Endothelial PGC-1α mediates vascular dysfunction in diabetes IRF4 is a key thermogenic transcriptional partner of PGC-1α PGC-1α regulates the neuromuscular junction program and ameliorates Duchenne muscular dystrophy Fibroblast growth factor 21 regulates energy metabolism by activating the AMPK–SIRT1–PGC-1α pathway PGC-1α expression decreases in the Alzheimer disease brain as a function of dementia The many roles of PGC-1α in muscle—recent developments The role of PGC-1α in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders The role of PGC-1α on mitochondrial function and apoptotic susceptibility in muscle Metformin induces PGC‐1α expression and selectively affects hepatic PGC‐1α functions PGC-1α is coupled to HIF-1α-dependent gene expression by increasing mitochondrial oxygen consumption in skeletal muscle cells Re-evaluating the FOXO1–PGC-1α connection PGC-1α promotes recovery after
Diets supplemented with Annona muricata improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia Are traditional remedies useful in management of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome? A review study The positive impact of a new parting process on antioxidant activity, malic acid and phenolic content of Prunus avium L., Prunus persica L. and Prunus domestica … Effect of salicylic acid on phenols and flavonoids content in callus culture of Iranian sodab (Ruta graveolens): A threatened medicinal plant of north of Iran Datura innoxia and Dipsacus laciniatus: Biological activity and phenolic composition Natural polyphenols for the prevention of irritable bowel syndrome: Molecular mechanisms and targets; a comprehensive review polyphenolics in grape seeds—biochemistry and functionality Use of phytoestrogens for the treatment of psychiatric symptoms associated with menopause transition Contents of phenolic and flavonoid compounds in Isatis demiriziana Mısırdalı: an endemic to the Southeast Evaluation of anti-amnesic effect of extracts of selected Ocimum species using in-vitro and in-vivo models Rosmarinus officinalis L.: an update review of its phytochemistry and biological activity Rosemary extract as a potential anti-hyperglycemic agent: Current evidence and future perspectives Effect of coordinated probiotic/prebiotic/phytobiotic supplementation on microbiome balance and psychological mood state in healthy stressed adults Relevance of nutritional antioxidants in metabolic syndrome, ageing and cancer: potential for therapeutic targeting Strawberry as a health promoter: an evidence based review Oil palm leaf: A new functional food ingredient for health and disease prevention Isolation and characterization of polyphenolic compound quercitin from Phyllanthus emblica Türkiye'de Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi'ne endemik Isatis demiriziana Mısırdalı'ndaki fenolik ve flavonoid bileşiklerinin içerikleri Rapid evaluation and comparison of natural products and antioxidant activity in calendula, feverfew, and German chamomile extracts Nutritional and nutraceutical characteristics of Sageretia theezans fruit Pain Reduction and Improvement in Range of Motion After Daily Consumption of an Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Pulp–Fortified polyphenolic-Rich Fruit and Berry … Immunomodulatory effects of Santolina chamaecyparissus leaf extracts on human neutrophil functions Gas chromatography-mass spectrometric analysis and identification of bioactive constituents of Catharanthus roseus and its antioxidant activity Phytochemical composition and pharmacological evaluation of different extracts of Oenothera rosea L´ Hér. ex Ait (Onagraceae) aerial part polyphenolics evoke healing responses: Clinical evidence and role of predictive biomarkers Medicinal properties of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids in cannabis, and benefits in migraine, headache, and pain: an update on current evidence and … Therapeutic effect of Thespesia populnea L. on opportunistic pathogens of HIV/AIDS patients Olive Leaf extract The connection between Lyme disease, an Inflamed Brain (Sickness Syndrome), and fibromyalgia Syndrome Phytochemical screening, physico-chemical analysis and antioxidant activity of some ethnomedicinal plants from Sikkim Himalaya Green tea extract and catechin ameliorate chronic fatigue-induced oxidative stress in mice EVALUATION FOR ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL AND HEMOLYTIC EFFECT OF COSMOS SULPHUREUS FLOWER extractS Anthelmintic and antimicrobial studies of Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop. bulb aqueous extracts The potential effects of Ocimum basilicum on health: a review of pharmacological and toxicological studies Blue mood for superfood polyphenolics evoke healing responses: clinical evidence and role of predictive biomarkers Medicinal herbs for the treatment of rheumatic disorders—a survey of European herbals from the
Anti-ovarian cancer potential of phytocompound and extract from South African medicinal plants and their role in the development of chemotherapeutic agents Effect of a combination of extract from several plants on Cell‐mediated and humoral immunity of patients with advanced ovarian cancer Aqueous extract of herba Scutellaria barbatae, a Chinese herb used for ovarian cancer, induces apoptosis of ovarian cancer cell lines The inhibitory effect of ginger extract on ovarian cancer cell line; application of systems biology … , characterization, cytotoxicity, antioxidant, and anti-human ovarian cancer activities of Curcumae kwangsiensis leaf aqueous extract green-synthesized gold … Antitumor activities of Rauwolfia vomitoria extract and potentiation of carboplatin effects against ovarian cancer Effects of Agarum clathratum extract on cell death and calcium ion levels of ovarian cancer cell Huaier aqueous extract inhibits ovarian cancer cell motility via the AKT/GSK3β/β-catenin pathway Synergistic effects of green tea extract and paclitaxel in the induction of mitochondrial apoptosis in ovarian cancer cell lines Evaluation of characteristics of CD44+ CD117+ ovarian cancer stem cells in three dimensional basement membrane extract scaffold versus two dimensional … The fractionated Toona sinensis leaf extract induces apoptosis of human ovarian cancer cells and inhibits tumor growth in a murine xenograft model The induction of apoptosis in human melanoma, breast and ovarian cancer cell lines using an essential oil extract from the conifer Tetraclinis articulata. Emblica officinalis extract Induces Autophagy and Inhibits Human ovarian cancer Cell Proliferation, Angiogenesis, Growth of Mouse Xenograft Tumors The plant extract of Pao pereira potentiates carboplatin effects against ovarian cancer Anti-human ovarian cancer and cytotoxicity effects of nickel nanoparticles green-synthesized by Alhagi maurorum leaf aqueous extract Efficient biogenesis of Cu2O nanoparticles using extract of Camellia sinensis leaf: Evaluation of catalytic, cytotoxicity, antioxidant, and anti-human ovarian cancer … Characterizing the efficacy of fermented wheat germ extract against ovarian cancer and defining the genomic basis of its activity Anti-proliferative and anti-apoptotic effects of grape seed extract on chemo-resistant OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cells Kaempferia parviflora extract inhibits TNF-α-induced release of MCP-1 in ovarian cancer cells through the suppression of NF-κB signaling Investigation of anti-human ovarian cancer effects of decorated Au nanoparticles on Thymbra spicata extract modified Fe3O4 nanoparticles Antiangiogenesis efficacy of ethanol extract from Amomum tsaoko in ovarian cancer through inducing ER stress to suppress p-STAT3/NF-kB/IL-6 and VEGF … Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) extract Inhibits Tumorigenicity and Overcomes Cisplatin-Resistance in ovarian cancer Cells Through Targeting AMPK … … -mediated synthesis of CuO nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Artemisia deserti and their anticancer effects on A2780-CP cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer … Solanum incanum extract downregulates aldehyde dehydrogenase 1-mediated stemness and inhibits tumor formation in ovarian cancer cells … extract from Baiye No.1 Tea (Camellia sinensis) Flowers Induced S Phase Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis via AKT-MDM2-p53 Signaling Pathway in ovarian cancer … Aqueous extract of Paris polyphylla (AEPP) Inhibits ovarian cancer via Suppression of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Gamma Coactivator (PGC) … Overcoming cisplatin resistance by targeting the MTDH-PTEN interaction in ovarian cancer with sera derived from rats exposed to Guizhi Fuling wan extract
Standardized extract of ginger ameliorates liver cancer by reducing proliferation and inducing apoptosis through inhibition oxidative stress/inflammation … Functional proteomic analysis revels that the ethanol extract of Annona muricata L. induces liver cancer cell apoptosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress … Cytotoxic and antimigratory effects of Cratoxy formosum extract against HepG2 liver cancer cells Aqueous extract of Tribulus terrestris Linn induces cell growth arrest and apoptosis by down-regulating NF-κB signaling in liver cancer cells extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius Suppresses liver cancer Development and Progression through Inhibition of VEGF-Induced PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathway In vitro Antiproliferative and Apoptosis Inducing Effect of Allium atroviolaceum Bulb extract on Breast, Cervical, and liver cancer Cells Garcinia dulcis fruit extract induced cytotoxicity and apoptosis in HepG2 liver cancer cell line Mistletoe extract Fraxini inhibits the proliferation of liver cancer by down-regulating c-Myc expression Antrodia cinnamomea fruiting bodies extract suppresses the invasive potential of human liver cancer cell line PLC/PRF/5 through inhibition of nuclear factor κB … Selective cytotoxic effect of Rhododendron luteum extract on human colon and liver cancer cells Water extract from Pleurotus pulmonarius with Antioxidant Activity Exerts In Vivo Chemoprophylaxis and Chemosensitization for liver cancer Antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of Tinospora cordifolia on N-nitrosodiethylamine (diethylnitrosamine) induced liver cancer in male Wister albino rats A licorice roots extract induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest and improves metabolism via regulating MiRNAs in liver cancer cells Anti-proliferative effects of an extra-virgin olive oil extract enriched in ligstroside aglycone and oleocanthal on human liver cancer cell lines Increased fucoxanthin in Chaetoceros calcitrans extract exacerbates apoptosis in liver cancer cells via multiple targeted cellular pathways Dendrobium candidum extract inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of liver cancer cells by inactivating Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway Combined Effects of Chuling (Polyporus umbellatus) extract and Mitomycin C on Experimental liver cancer Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using pomegranate peel extract and its antioxidant and anticancer activity against liver cancer cell line Up-regulation of microRNAs, miR21 and miR23a in human liver cancer cells treated with Coptidis rhizoma aqueous extract In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumor Activity of Scutellaria barbate extract on Murine liver cancer Treatment of liver cancer cells with ethyl acetate extract of Crithmum maritimum permits reducing sorafenib dose and toxicity maintaining its efficacy Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using a Cordyceps militaris extract and their antiproliferative effect in liver cancer cells (HepG2) … Methanolic extract and Its Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effects against Cadmium Chloride (CdCl2)-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Potential Anticancer Activities against liver cancer … Antioxidant and cytotoxic effects of hexane extract of Morinda pubescens leaves in human liver cancer cell line Cnidium officinale Makino extract induces apoptosis through activation of caspase-3 and p53 in human liver cancer HepG2 cells Chinese dragon's blood EtOAc extract inhibits liver cancer growth through downregulation of Smad3 Ethanol extract of Ophiorrhiza pumila suppresses liver cancer cell proliferation and migration The aqueous extract of Chinese medicinal herb Brucea javanica suppresses the growth of human liver cancer and the derived stem-like cells by apoptosis The effect of Curcuma longa extract
Anti-cancer effect of Annona Muricata Linn Leaves Crude extract (AMCE) on breast cancer cell line … ) extract Inhibits breast cancer Cell Proliferation by Modulating Cell Cycle Regulatory Genes and Promotes ApoptosisBitter Melon extract Inhibits breast cancer Cell … Anti-cancer properties of diethylether extract of wood from sukun (Artocarpus altilis) in human breast cancer (T47D) cells Effects of salvia officinalis extract on the breast cancer cell line Ganoderma lucidum extract induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in MCF‐7 human breast cancer cell Eugenia jambolana Lam. Berry extract Inhibits Growth and Induces Apoptosis of Human breast cancer but Not Non-Tumorigenic breast Cells Huaier aqueous extract inhibits proliferation of breast cancer cells by inducing apoptosis A phase I/II trial of a polysaccharide extract from Grifola frondosa (Maitake mushroom) in breast cancer patients: immunological effects Cytotoxic activity of Piper cubeba extract in breast cancer cell lines Anticancer activities of an anthocyanin-rich extract from black rice against breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo Apoptosis and necrosis of human breast cancer cells by an aqueous extract of garden cress (Lepidium sativum) seeds Chemical composition of Solanum nigrum linn extract and induction of autophagy by leaf water extract and its major flavonoids in AU565 breast cancer cells Anticancer activity of litchi fruit pericarp extract against human breast cancer in vitro and in vivo Hydroxytyrosol rich extract from olive leaves modulates cell cycle progression in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells Isopropanolic black cohosh extract and recurrence-free survival after breast cancer The Anti-cancer Activities of Vernonia amygdalina extract in Human breast cancer Cell Lines Are Mediated through Caspase-Dependent and p53 … Fucoidan extract enhances the anti-cancer activity of chemotherapeutic agents in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 breast cancer cells Cytotoxic activity of physodic acid and acetone extract from Hypogymnia physodes against breast cancer cell lines Selective growth inhibition of human breast cancer cells by graviola fruit extract in vitro and in vivo involving downregulation of EGFR expression Antioxidant and apoptotic effects of an aqueous extract of Urtica dioica on the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line Pomegranate fruit extract impairs invasion and motility in human breast cancer extract from Astragalus membranaceus inhibit breast cancer cells proliferation via PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway Bitter melon extract inhibits breast cancer growth in preclinical model by inducing autophagic cell death Benefit–risk profile of black cohosh (isopropanolic Cimicifuga racemosa extract) with and without St John's wort in breast cancer patients Antiproliferatory effects of crab shell extract on breast cancer cell line (MCF7) Anti-tumor potential of ethanol extract of Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton against breast cancer cells Curcumin- and natural extract-loaded nanofibres for potential treatment of lung and breast cancer: in vitro efficacy evaluation … effects of Mangifera indica L. kernel extract on human breast cancer (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines) and bioactive constituents in the crude extract Cytotoxic activity of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles with an extract of the red seaweed Corallina officinalis on the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line Anticancer and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Ganoderma lucidum extract Effects on Melanoma and Triple-Negative breast cancer
Benefits of whole ginger extract in prostate cancer Effects of a mushroom mycelium extract on the treatment of prostate cancer Anticancer effects of ethanolic neem leaf extract on prostate cancer cell line (PC-3) Inhibition of prostate cancer cell growth by an avocado extract: role of lipid-soluble bioactive substances A randomized phase II study of pomegranate extract for men with rising PSA following initial therapy for localized prostate cancer Inhibition of prostate cancer growth by muscadine grape skin extract and resveratrol through distinct mechanisms … extract of Wedelia chinensis Attenuates Androgen Receptor Activity and Orthotopic Growth of prostate cancer in Nude MiceWedelia extract Attenuates prostate … Molecular Mechanism of Anti-prostate cancer Activity of Scutellaria Baicalensis extract Effects of a genistein-rich extract on PSA levels in men with a history of prostate cancer Ellagitannin-rich pomegranate extract inhibits angiogenesis in prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo Effects of a high dose, aglycone-rich soy extract on prostate-specific antigen and serum isoflavone concentrations in men with localized prostate cancer Antiproliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells by a stinging nettle root (Urtica dioica) extract Pomegranate extract inhibits androgen-independent prostate cancer growth through a nuclear factor-κB-dependent mechanism Analysis of the interactions of botanical extract combinations against the viability of prostate cancer cell lines A phase I study of muscadine grape skin extract in men with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer: Safety, tolerability, and dose determination Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using the extract of Alternanthera sessilis—antiproliferative effect against prostate cancer cells Action Mechanism and Signal Pathways of Psidium guajava L. Aqueous extract in Killing prostate cancer LNCaP Cells Ethanolic extract of propolis augments TRAIL-induced apoptotic death in prostate cancer cells Pomegranate extract induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells by modulation of the IGF–IGFBP axis Ethanolic extract of Brazilian green propolis sensitizes prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis Antiproliferative and apoptotic effect of Morus nigra extract on human prostate cancer cells Anti-prostate cancer activity of a β-carboline alkaloid enriched extract from Rauwolfia vomitoria The extract from Punica granatum (pomegranate) peel induces apoptosis and impairs metastasis in prostate cancer cells Momordica charantia leaf extract suppresses rat prostate cancer progression in vitro and in vivo Natural products: potential for developing Phellodendron amurense bark extract for prostate cancer management A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the effects of pomegranate extract on rising PSA levels in men following primary therapy for prostate cancer Anticancer activity of a sub-fraction of dichloromethane extract of Strobilanthes crispus on human breast and prostate cancer cells in vitro Differential effects of whole soy extract and soy isoflavones on apoptosis in prostate cancer cells polyphenol-rich sweet potato greens extract inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in prostate cancer cells in vitro and in vivo … Recurrent prostate cancer: A Randomized, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled Clinical TrialMuscadine Grape Skin extract in Men with BCR prostate cancer Selenium enrichment of broccoli sprout extract increases chemosensitivity and apoptosis of LNCaP prostate cancer cells Phellodendron amurense bark extract prevents progression of prostate tumors in transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate: potential for prostate cancer …
Anti-inflammatory effects of the Nigella sativa seed extract, thymoquinone, in pancreatic cancer cells Viscum album [L.] extract therapy in patients with locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer: a randomised clinical trial on overall survival Moringa Oleifera aqueous leaf extract down-regulates nuclear factor-kappaB and increases cytotoxic effect of chemotherapy in pancreatic cancer cells Anticancer effect of ginger extract against pancreatic cancer cells mainly through reactive oxygen species-mediated autotic cell death Ginkgo biloba extract kaempferol inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells The effect of asparagus extract on pancreatic cancer: an intriguing surprise Holy Basil leaf extract decreases tumorigenicity and metastasis of aggressive human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo: potential role in therapy … and chemical characterization of a novel anti-human pancreatic cancer supplement by silver nanoparticles containing Zingiber officinale leaf aqueous extract PBI-05204, a supercritical CO2 extract of Nerium oleander, inhibits growth of human pancreatic cancer via targeting the PI3K/mTOR pathway Selective induction of apoptosis and autophagy through treatment with dandelion root extract in human pancreatic cancer cells Treatment of pancreatic insufficiency using pancreatic extract in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer: a pilot study (PICNIC) Impact of curcumin, raspberry extract, and neem leaf extract on rel protein-regulated cell death/radiosensitization in pancreatic cancer cells Inhibition of pancreatic cancer and potentiation of gemcitabine effects by the extract of Pao Pereira Pomegranate extract induces cell cycle arrest and alters cellular phenotype of human pancreatic cancer cells Antitumor Activities of Rauwolfia vomitoria extract and Potentiation of Gemcitabine Effects Against pancreatic cancer pancreatic enzyme extract improves survival in murine pancreatic cancer Hot water extract of Agaricus blazei Murrill specifically inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in human pancreatic cancer cells Yarrow supercritical extract exerts antitumoral properties by targeting lipid metabolism in pancreatic cancer Inhibition of pancreatic cancer stem cells by Rauwolfia vomitoria extract Anticancer activity of a lectin-rich mistletoe extract injected intratumorally into human pancreatic cancer xenografts Autophagy is involved in Ficus carica fruit extract-induced anti-tumor effects on pancreatic cancer Huaier extract restrains pancreatic cancer by suppressing Wnt/β-catenin pathway Feasibility evaluation of emodin (rhubarb extract) as an inhibitor of pancreatic cancer cell proliferation in vitro Molecular mechanisms by which a Fucus vesiculosus extract mediates cell cycle inhibition and cell death in pancreatic cancer cells extract of the medicinal plant Pao Pereira inhibits pancreatic cancer stem-like cell in vitro and in vivo Anti-pancreatic cancer effects of a polar extract from the edible sea cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa Green synthesis of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) using the plant extract of Salvia spinosa and evaluation of photothermal effect on pancreatic cancer cells Total flavonoid aglycones extract in Radix Scutellariae induces cross-regulation between autophagy and apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells Anti-tumor effect of the extract from qingyihuaji formula on pancreatic cancer by down-regulating Notch-4 and Jagged-1 Effect of Angelica gigas Nakai Ethanol extract and Decursin on Human pancreatic cancer Cells Sedum sarmentosum Bunge extract induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation in pancreatic cancer cells via the hedgehog signaling pathway Cyathus striatus extract Induces Apoptosis in Human pancreatic
In vitro anticancer activity of Eclipta alba whole plant extract on colon cancer cell HCT-116 Anti-proliferative effects of Bifidobacterium adolescentis SPM0212 extract on human colon cancer cell lines Eugenia jambolana (Java Plum) Fruit extract Exhibits Anti-cancer Activity against Early Stage Human HCT-116 colon cancer Cells and colon cancer Stem Cells Anthocyanin-rich extract from Aronia meloncarpa E. induces a cell cycle block in colon cancer but not normal colonic cells RETRACTED ARTICLE: In vitro and in vivo anti-colon cancer effects of Garcinia mangostana xanthones extract Inhibitory Effects of a Chemically Standardized extract from Scutellaria barbata in Human colon cancer Cell Lines, LoVo Biologically synthesized green silver nanoparticles from leaf extract of Vitex negundo L. induce growth-inhibitory effect on human colon cancer cell line HCT15 Walnut phenolic extract and its bioactive compounds suppress colon cancer cell growth by regulating colon cancer stemness Anti-oxidant and anti-cancer activities of Angelica dahurica extract via induction of apoptosis in colon cancer cells Cytotoxic effect of Allium cepa L. extract on human colon cancer (WiDr) cells: in vitro study A mechanistic study of colon cancer growth promoted by cigarette smoke extract In vivo antitumor activity of Euphorbia lathyris ethanol extract in colon cancer models A bioguided identification of the active compounds that contribute to the antiproliferative/cytotoxic effects of rosemary extract on colon cancer cells Antitumor activity of water extract of a mushroom, Inonotus obliquus, against HT‐29 human colon cancer cells Melissa officinalis extract induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation in colon cancer cells through formation of reactive oxygen species An aqueous polysaccharide extract from the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus induces anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on HT-29 colon cancer cells … Effect and Anticancer Activity of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles from Marine Algae Chaetomorpha linum extract Against Human colon cancer Cell HCT-116 Assessment of the anti-genotoxic, anti-proliferative, and anti-metastatic potential of crude watercress extract in human colon cancer cells Betula etnensis Raf. (Betulaceae) extract Induced HO-1 Expression and Ferroptosis Cell Death in Human colon cancer Cells Aged black garlic extract inhibits HT29 colon cancer cell growth via the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway Effects of the licorice extract against tumor growth and cisplatin-induced toxicity in a mouse xenograft model of colon cancer Induction of apoptosis by the aqueous extract of Rubus coreanum in HT-29 human colon cancer cells In vitro and in vivo antitumor activity of Yerba Mate extract in colon cancer models Tomato lycopene extract supplementation decreases insulin-like growth factor-I levels in colon cancer patients The Anti-cancer Effect of Mangifera indica L. Peel extract is Associated to γH2AX-mediated Apoptosis in colon cancer Cells Chemopreventive Effects of Frondanol A5, a Cucumaria frondosa extract, against Rat colon Carcinogenesis and Inhibition of Human colon cancer Cell Growth Combined ginger extract & Gelam honey modulate Ras/ERK and PI3K/AKT pathway genes in colon cancer HT29 cells … extract dose-responsively decreases disease severity in a rat model of mucositis; concomitantly enhancing chemotherapeutic effectiveness in colon cancer … In Vitro Anticancer Activity of Au, Ag Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Commelina nudiflora L. Aqueous extract Against HCT-116 colon cancer Cells
Phase I study of green tea extract in patients with advanced lung cancer Anticancer activity and mechanism of Scutellaria barbata extract on human lung cancer cell line A549 Identification of anti-lung cancer extract from Chlorella vulgaris CC by antioxidant property using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction Cytotoxicity of Nigella sativa seed oil and extract against human lung cancer cell line MediMLP: using Grad-CAM to extract crucial variables for lung cancer postoperative complication prediction Impact of complementary mistletoe extract treatment on quality of life in breast, ovarian and non-small cell lung cancer patients a prospective randomized controlled … Antitumor effects of Laminaria extract fucoxanthin on lung cancer Effects of allyl sulfur compounds and garlic extract on the expression of Bcl-2, Bax, and p53 in non small cell lung cancer cell lines Apoptotic effect of citrus fruit extract nobiletin on lung cancer cell line A549 in vitro and in vivo extract from the Leaves of Toona sinensis Roemor Exerts Potent Antiproliferative Effect on Human lung cancer Cells Erianin, a novel dibenzyl compound in Dendrobium extract, inhibits lung cancer cell growth and migration via calcium/calmodulin-dependent ferroptosis Evaluations of thyme extract effects in human normal bronchial and tracheal epithelial cell lines and in human lung cancer cell line … extract of Scutellaria baicalensis and the active compounds induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis including upregulation of p53 and Bax in human lung cancer cells Marsdenia tenacissima extract restored gefitinib sensitivity in resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells Biogenic synthesis of AgNPs using Artemisia oliveriana extract and their biological activities for an effective treatment of lung cancer Willow bark extract (BNO1455) and its fractions suppress growth and induce apoptosis in human colon and lung cancer cells Rosemary extract reduces Akt/mTOR/p70S6K activation and inhibits proliferation and survival of A549 human lung cancer cells The inhibitory effect of Curcuma longa extract on telomerase activity in A549 lung cancer cell line Foeniculum vulgare seed extract induces apoptosis in lung cancer cells partly through the down-regulation of Bcl-2 Anticancer effect of the water extract of a commercial Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) product on the human lung cancer A549 cell line Supercritical carbon dioxide extract of Physalis peruviana induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human lung cancer H661 cells Mountain ginseng extract exhibits anti-lung cancer activity by inhibiting the nuclear translocation of NF-κB Biomimetic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Matricaria chamomilla extract and their potential anticancer activity against human lung cancer cells Crocus sativus L.(saffron) stigma aqueous extract induces apoptosis in alveolar human lung cancer cells through caspase-dependent pathways activation A Pilot Study of a Grape Seed Procyanidin extract for lung cancer ChemopreventionGrape Seed extract for lung cancer Chemoprevention Green-synthesis-derived CdS quantum dots using tea leaf extract: antimicrobial, bioimaging, and therapeutic applications in lung cancer cells Regulatory roles of OASL in lung cancer cell sensitivity to Actinidia chinensis Planch root extract (acRoots) Evaluation of Anti-cancer Activity of Saraca asoca Flower extract against lung cancer Cell Line White tea extract induces apoptosis in non–small cell lung cancer cells: the role of peroxisome
Back pain and sciatica Pathophysiology of sciatica Conservative treatment of sciatica: a systematic review Assessing health-related quality of life in patients with sciatica Determinants of sciatica and low-back pain The relation between expectations and outcomes in surgery for sciatica sciatica and the intervertebral disc: an experimental study sciatica and the sacro-iliac joint The natural history of sciatica associated with disc pathology. A prospective study with clinical and independent radiologic follow-up. Diagnosis and management of low back pain and sciatica. Prognosis in sciatica: a clinical follow-up of surgical and non-surgical treatment Lack of effectiveness of bed rest for sciatica A meta-analysis on the efficacy of epidural corticosteroids in the treatment of sciatica Risk factors for low back pain and sciatica Persistent back pain and sciatica in the United States: patient characteristics Symptoms and signs of sciatica and their relation to the localization of the lumbar disc herniation. Recovery of severe sciatica The conservative treatment of sciatica Effect of the transligamentous extension of lumbar disc herniations on their regression and the clinical outcome of sciatica Severe sciatica: a 13-year follow-up of 342 patients Epidural corticosteroid injections for sciatica due to herniated nucleus pulposus Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: an alternative to TENS in the management of sciatica Computed tomography in sciatica. Diagnostic puncture of intervertebral disks in sciatica Non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs for sciatica Advice to stay active as a single treatment for low‐back pain and sciatica Piriformis muscle syndrome: an underdiagnosed cause of sciatica A comparison between epidural anaesthesia with and without corticosteroid in the treatment of sciatica Lumbar epidural injections in the treatment of sciatica The tissue origin of low back pain and sciatica: a report of pain response to tissue stimulation during operations on the lumbar spine using local anesthesia. Outpatient lumbar epidural corticosteroid injection in the management of sciatica Diagnostic value of history and physical examination in patients suspected of sciatica due to disc herniation: a systematic review Diagnostic value of electrophysiological tests in patients with sciatica Observations on the cause and mechanism of symptom-production in sciatica and low-back pain Occupation and risk of herniated lumbar intervertebral disc or sciatica leading to hospitalization Incidence and risk factors of herniated lumbar intervertebral disc or sciatica leading to hospitalization A comparison of surgery and chemonucleolysis in the treatment of sciatica. A prospective randomized trial. The lumbo-sacral articulation; An explanation of many cases of" lumbago,"" sciatica" and paraplegia Auto-Traction for Treatment of Lumbago-sciatica: A Multicentre Controlled Investigation Epidural corticosteroid injection in the conservative management of sciatica Back pain and sciatica: controlled trials of manipulation, traction, sclerosant and epidural injections Efficacy of epidural steroid injections for low-back pain and sciatica: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials sciatica: which intervention? Epidurography in the management of sciatica Treatment of sciatica. A comparative survey of complications of surgical treatment and nucleolysis with chymopapain. Histologic changes in spinal nerve roots of operated cases of sciatica The natural course of acute sciatica with nerve root symptoms in a double-blind placebo-controlled trial evaluating the effect of piroxicam. An unusual